Mr. Anonymous Game #21 @ 25/03/2015

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Aug 6, 2009
Australia - SA Adelaide Hills
Hi folks...!

Lets see how good your searching skills are, on this one...!

A couple of months ago, and while going through another town, I spotted something very interesting near an old railway, that is still operational today, basically as an Tourist attraction.

Houses were built not far from it and, lots of things (plants, trees shrubs) have been planted along the railway to block somewhat, some of the noise from the old steam train.

That area was either local Council or own by the Railways so, I went around and stopped near by to have a better look.

While I was doing so, this senior bloke come close and started to ask questions, I wondered what his problem was but soon I found out what he was about.

The dirt track between the houses and the rail line, is "a sort of" private, it was cut/opened by the people as they built their houses, as an easy access to the back yard and part of the house and while, I didn't mention anything, I'm pretty sure, they didn't have permission or that access was part of the council plans but anyway, I wasn't there to start a fight but to finding out who actually owns that stuff so that I could collect some, for my own use, it was obvious that, no one collected any as the very old stuff was all over the ground...!

I had a feeling that, this old fellow, had something to do with it being there and as it turned out, he was the first to built in that area, the one to plant all of what is there and started opening the dirt track that other further down, continued on and the built their houses.

You don't get flies with vinegar so, I explained who I was, from where (wife and dogs were with me) and why I was interesting in some of what I say planted in there. After a little discussion, the old fellow was satisfied that we weren't trying to plot a break in or something like that and he didn't seem to bother that I collected some of these "things", with the understand that I wouldn't damage anything...!

I didn't have the tools I needed with me so, I told him that, now that I had permission from the only person that could care, I was going to return with the correct tools to collect what I needed and not break anything.

A few days later, I was there and so did he, just as curiosity than anything else, as I promised to bring with me, some samples of what I do with these things.

I collected my share for this year, and of what was ready/mature to collect(grows more every year...!), offered a pen I had made to this bloke and everyone was happy.

I'm just now starting to trying a few things with it and while I do so, I decided to use it to created game #21.:wink::biggrin:

Look at the pics attached and tell me, what you thing these things are, I need the name of the tree/plant/shrub/bush/creeper, that produces these "things"...!


Winner pays shipping, bla, bla, bla..! the same "deal" as usual...!:eek::)

Have fun...!

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Oh well, time to go back to bed. Thought it was some type of banksia... Don't suppose it's just plain old Australian Banksia "Hairy" Pods???
Interesting to see all the different types of banksia. Some had very small distribution around Australia and I know some of my guesses didn't match George's location but it was fun and interesting to learn.
Oh well, time to go back to bed. Thought it was some type of banksia... Don't suppose it's just plain old Australian Banksia "Hairy" Pods???
Interesting to see all the different types of banksia. Some had very small distribution around Australia and I know some of my guesses didn't match George's location but it was fun and interesting to learn.

Hahahah mate, the problem with Banksia's is that, there are so many that you would need a full week to mention them all but, you didn't do a bad job in mention a few, the problem is, what make you so sure, it is a Banksia..???

There is one particular detail in some of my pics that does single it out among most others...!

Go to bed and dream of Banksia's in flower/bloom...!:biggrin:

I would second Showy Banksia...but I think i'm probably still on the DL.

Never let the DL get in the way of some fun, you are free to give as many guesses as you so wish, if in DL and the correct guess is given, I simply ignore it..!:wink:

PS: Your DL period (4 weeks) ended on the 19/3

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I never realized there were so many kinds of Banksia!

Banksia sphaerocarpa var caesia (Round-fruited Banksia)
Banksia sphaerocarpa var pumilio (Round-fruited Banksia)

(I found a long listing of the various Banksia varieties - with pictures - pretty neat variety of them!)
Oh well, time to go back to bed. Thought it was some type of banksia... Don't suppose it's just plain old Australian Banksia "Hairy" Pods???
Interesting to see all the different types of banksia. Some had very small distribution around Australia and I know some of my guesses didn't match George's location but it was fun and interesting to learn.

Hahahah mate, the problem with Banksia's is that, there are so many that you would need a full week to mention them all but, you didn't do a bad job in mention a few, the problem is, what make you so sure, it is a Banksia..???

There is one particular detail in some of my pics that does single it out among most others...!

Go to bed and dream of Banksia's in flower/bloom...!:biggrin:


Yes, over 170 species according to one reference!
I looked at all of the flora in your part of Australia... Nothing else looks like this other than banksia.
I'll take another stab at it: Silver Banksia (the underside of the leaf in one of the pictures is silver in color). Back to bed.
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