More PVC

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Feb 6, 2004
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Been experimenting some more with this extruded PVC rod, and learned a couple of new can get a really fine joint using thick CA, and it's better to wet-sand. All of these were wet sanded from 240 to 600 grit, then Beall buffed.



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Cool looking pens. I want to try some of the PVC sometime, but I need to sell some pens before delving into new materials.

BTW did you add the little round button at the end of the clips?
I agree with Bev. I have a few people looking for Ohio State colors now. Where exactly did you get this PVC? I remember reading it in a posting but not quite sure where. By the way, they are very nice looking pens. My daughter says they are "Cool".
I looked at their site and most of the stuff comes in 5'lenghts...also what diameter do you use? Thanks!
Bev, the acrylic stand is from Craft Supplies, item # 034-0010, 10 pen display, for $9.99.

Tomy, I'd recommend going with the 3/4" stuff. You might get away with using the 5/8" thickness, but there's not that much of a price difference.
I live in a college town where football rules. Since the school colors are among those available, I'm thinking this might be a no-brainer.

Ed, how does the PVC turn? I've worked with some plastics, but do you have any tips?

Here's a basic question. What do you use to make you angled cuts? Bandsaw,Tablesaw,Mitersaw? AX?

Thanks for the info and the heads up on some new pen material.


Yeah, these PVC colors are very bright and should look great on some soccer mom's or football dad's desk.

I'm using a 7" chop-saw like the one has for sale here: Just choose the angle, lock the rod into place and chop it off using the thin abrasive wheel that comes with the saw. You may be able to go directly from the saw to gluing-up, but I’ve had more success getting a really nice joint by taking the angle-cut pieces to the disk sander for a little touch-up first. Then use thick CA for the glue-ups.

The PVC will not burn, chip or crack when drilling, and turning is moderately easy. I'm using a 1/2" round nose scraper, and have to hold the tool very firmly against the tool rest, and make smooth careful movements in order to avoid dig-ins. But, if you do that, you'll get the long ribbons of material off the lathe; similar to, but not as easy as the bowling ball material.

After turning, I'm wet sanding from 240 to 600 grit, followed by a Beall buff. Dry sanding does not work very well on the PVC.
Ed, have you tried gluing the blanks with plumbers PVC glue. The glue melts the PVC and forms an almost instant bond. Just speculating that it would give you a seamless and very strong joint. The parts "should" be able to be glued without clamps prior to drilling. Hmm, I guess I should order some and give it a try. BTW, your pen color combo's look great!!
I've pointed out the 5' PVC length and 8' Nylon length problem to this company, asking if they would cut the rods into 5 1/2" lengths, and the answer was no.

Would anyone be interested in purchasing pen blanks sized pieces (3/4" X 5 1/2"), at around $1.00 each plus shipping? Maybe we could get one of our pen parts retailers to act as middle-man, ordering large lots of the stuff, cutting it up and selling blank sized pieces to us...
I might be interested in making a special purchase and cutting them up to re-sell. I have done this in the past for gun stock laminate and it worked out pretty well.

I will probably only do it long term if there is enough interest, but a one time special purchase would work for me.

Let me look into it and get back with you all soon.
My preliminary checking indicates that the per blank price would be about $1.85 per blank plus US mail postage.

I have e-mailed the company to find out what breaks there are for quantity purchases. If I don't hear from them by tomorrow, I will call them during business hours.

Since this is the first time I have done this on this forum, what are the rules on advertizing?

I would like to promote it if we go for it, but want to do it the right way.
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