More of an awwe man (exotics)

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Jun 8, 2011
Suffolk, VA
I wanted to try a product from exotics so I ordered around 7 of them. I wanted some blanks, and let Ed know which "brand" I wanted, and asked him to just throw in whatever he grabbed from them. Now this was all around noon or so. Well I got the bill later that same day, and paid with pay pal. When I got home I thought I would let my daughter go online and pick out the 10 blanks, if they were not sent. I called Ed and he answered and found out he already sent them.

So the "awwe man" is, make sure you know what you want in your order because they don't wait. LOL. I guess next time I will just have to wait until I get home to make my orders.


Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Thanks, Ed!!

You are not the first---which has raised a bit of a question for us: Should we let orders sit a little longer, before we fill them?

Probably 20% of the time we get requests to CHANGE the order, a couple hours after it is placed. USUALLY, we have "picked" it and created the mailing label (paid the postage), based on the size of that order. If it is at this stage, we still can and do change it.

The next step is to take it to the Post Office. Any time one of us is "going out" we deliver the packages to the Post Office--once that is done, we can't change anything.

So, if you think you may want to change something later, just make a note in the "comments" on your order and we will wait a little longer to "pick" and ship.

Comments welcome


Jun 8, 2011
Suffolk, VA
Now don't get me wrong I love the fact I get what I ordered from you all in just a couple days. I was just thinking it was funny when I thought, "I wish they had waited a day" But then I realized it would have been today I got it instead of yesturday.

99.9% of the time when I make an order I wish I had it that day. So please don't sit on orders (at least mine) for a day or two, just in case.
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