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See more from Gary Max

Gary Max

Oct 30, 2004
Southern Kentucky
Just having to much fun today----if Roy can find time to make a pen so can I-----but the Frog-----where in the heck did he come from.
Blank is from my friend Anthony in Az.


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Very nice!

Absolutely beautiful pen......could you give some details as to the material (milk?) and as to how the flutes were created?? Was it done on a Beall PW?

LOL, like Roy's, I wouldn't mind that one either:biggrin:
Had to put my specs on to see the frog:cool: Maybe he likes milk:biggrin:
Oops.......:redface:.......I think all my questions were just answered in the **Got milk now need some cookies!** thread, which I had not read before posting here.
Gary, I've been topped again, can't compete with a frog.LOL
Great job, how did you find it to turn?
Like Roy's, Gary, your pen is a beauty for the eyes. But, I don't see any wonky lines in yours Gary. Do you? Just wondering.
Gary, congratulations on making the front page, but I thought we had a rule....
No frogs on the front page:biggrin:
Absolutely beautiful pen, Gary. The milk looks great with the kit it is a really classy pen. I gotta tell you congrats on the feature photo. One day I may be able to take pics like that. Great job!
I just want to thank everyone from Jeff Brown and all the good folks here at IAP.
The knowledge that I have gained here made that pen possible.
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