Mid Atlantic Penturners Gathering

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Passed Away Dec 28, 2021
In Memoriam
Mar 8, 2006
Richmond, VA, USA.
At our last Richmond Penturners Club meeting, Bill Sampson brought up the possibility of a Mid Atlantic Penturners Gathering modeled after the Mid West one. Still in the very early stages, but tentative plan is sometime in the spring. It would be located in Richmond at a location TBD and likely have a casual get together Friday evening with demos and vendor booths all day Saturday.

Our next club meeting is in September where we will devote some planning time but in the meantime let us know if you're interested, if you have any program ideas, etc. I'm sure we'll be reaching out to our mid west friends for advice.
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You know that I am in!!

How about you DC, Raleigh or Charlotte area folks? You interested in something like a regional get together?
Sounds like a great opportunity for all of the "good folks" to meet and learn from the experts!! I will be there -- unless the creek - -- Philip

You know that I am in!!

How about you DC, Raleigh or Charlotte area folks? You interested in something like a regional get together?

HEY! What about us SC folks! It's not that far of a drive ya know :tongue:

I'll be spreading the word for sure!
We'll even accept Florida and Georgia and other foreign countries!
I'll drive the hour south from the Quantico/Fredericksburg area if it fits the schedule. Just let us know when you set a date so I can mark it on the calendar.
Boy, i hope eventually we can get something like that out here! the only thing out here is S.W.A.T. but that is woodturning and most of the guys there could care less about pens.
Mid Atlantic Penturning Gathering

This sounds like a great way to share ideas across a wide area of users -- from New Jersey to South Carolina. Look forward to seeing more on this meeting!
This is definietly getting closer to reality. We had some good discussion at the Richmond club meeting last night. The likely dates are May 17 and 18, 2013 with a Friday night social and Saturday filled with demos. The local Woodcraft store has offered their rooms and we just need to verify the dates with them. We've already got committments from some world class pen and blank makers. This should be a great event and free to all. More to come as we firm up the plans. Mark your calanders!!
A plane trip might just be in the works, two suitcases full of stuff and it'll be a write off:biggrin::wink:

MPG 360 miles

MAPG 470 miles

East or west from Columbus...

Maybe we should charter a bus and make a tour...

I could always pick you up on my way Chris!! I'm sure i'll be driving right through Columbus.

Ernie, glad you are back! If we take your race car, we could be there in just a couple of hours.
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Hey, y'all, I get to be the Registration Chairperson for the Mid-Atlantic Penturners Gathering- -a redo for me from the Richmond AAW meet a few years ago. I will pick off names as "possible" but if you want to help us with a real commitment, send me a PM and I will put you on the list of "good folks". Phil
Last Monday we had a meeting of the executive committee - myself, Bill Sampson (Bill Sampson), John Penberthy (JPPensPlus), Fred Wissen (Ptownsubbie), Phil Duffy (philipf) and Meg Turner (a lurker but I'm twisting her arm to join). Its all coming together. We have a Facebook page - Mid Atlantic Penturners Gathering - (please Like us); we have a web domain Midatlanticpen.com (stay tuned - site will be up as soon as our Webmaster Tina Wissen has time between her studies) and a ton of enthusiasm. One of the team may be contacting you to demonstrate, be a vendor, and most importantly join us to meet your fellow penturners. If you want to demonstrate, be a vendor or have a great idea, contact one of us by pm. We already have a few world class pen people on the agenda. This is our first year, we have plenty to learn and will listen to all suggestions so keep them coming.
I'll have to schedule some leave to attend, but I'm pretty sure I'll be there! I've got some wood from Bill just waiting to be turned and I haven't had much time to shape it. It's going to happen Bill.
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