Member Map

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Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
I'm working on an integration of Google maps with our site. This will be similar to the Frapper map, but contained within

I need data! On your profile page, you'll see a new field under the country field called "Geocode". If you would be so kind (if you want to be on the map...) to enter your Latitude and Longitude in that field in the format specified (see the notes under the box). There is also a link to a lookup tool.

Feel free to look at the map but be aware that it might be broken as I'm continuing to work on it. It should be done in a few days. Note that to show up on the map, you must also have the city, state, and country fields filled in on your profile page.

You might wonder why I don't just do a lookup on your city/state/country to find out your geocode... Well, that's unreliable as many of you have found out using Frapper. If you have accurate data from a GPS or other means, you can use it if you want, or you can be as vague as you wish. The lookup tool will work on a zip code down to a street address. Your choice.

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Just added my coordinates. should be right on my house but we will see.
decided to be spacific in case anyone ever wants to visit.
bring lots of pretty wood though. I feed well for good wood [:D]
The first link doesn't work for me on three different systems.
One is using Firefox 1.06
Another is using Netscape 7.x
The last is using Netscape 8.x
You are in as soon as you fill in your Geocode

Edit in:
Yours is not working because you have "South of Casa Grande, AZ" for your location in your profile.

Remove "South of Casa Grande" and insert only the name of the City or Town and it should work
Originally posted by Bev Polmanteer
<br />Just added mine in my profile, hope to be on the map soon! Great job, Jeff (as usual)!![:D]
You were missing the comma between lat and lon. I fixed and you're in.

One note... right now, you have to close your browser window and reopen to see the list of new people. I'll fix that soon...
Originally posted by Fangar
<br />Looks like Vick is having issues. He shows right near me in CA, but says Gilbert, AZ... Transplant?
Gilbert, AZ is 33.314508,-111.748791 which is way off what he entered.
Originally posted by Ron in Drums PA
<br />Maps are working on all three systems now Jeff. Thanks

How about a member count?
It is? The problem is (was?) the way different browsers render tables containing divs. It's not working very well on my NS7.1

Just to confirm, it looks OK in different browsers?

I'll work on the member count...
Originally posted by jeff
<br />
Originally posted by Fangar
<br />Looks like Vick is having issues. He shows right near me in CA, but says Gilbert, AZ... Transplant?
Gilbert, AZ is 33.314508,-111.748791 which is way off what he entered.

Sorry must have had my old Sacramento zip in their. It is sad I moved 9 months ago and still can not remember my zip code.
Reason for moving to get further away from Fangar[:D]
One one system I have NS7.2 and IExplore 6.0.2 - they look the same.
There other two systems are also the same.

The only real differences is in the monitors, not the browsers. On the 19" flat screen the map looks small. On my 13" laptop and the 19" CRT the map fits fine.
Originally posted by Ron in Drums PA
<br />One one system I have NS7.2 and IExplore 6.0.2 - they look the same.
There other two systems are also the same.

The only real differences is in the monitors, not the browsers. On the 19" flat screen the map looks small. On my 13" laptop and the 19" CRT the map fits fine.

I'm running FireFox on a 17" and it runs fine.

Originally posted by vick
Sorry must have had my old Sacramento zip in their. It is sad I moved 9 months ago and still can not remember my zip code.
<b>Reason for moving to get further away from Fangar</b>[:D]

That's it... I'm coming after you!


I took my handheld GPS receiver to the end of my driveway. The coordinates I got puts the pointy bottom of the marker exactly on the spot I was standing. Too cool! Don't zoom in too close, you'll see I need to clean the gutters [:D]
Originally posted by jeff
<br />The coordinates I got puts the pointy bottom of the marker exactly on the spot I was standing.[:D]

Mine came up "geourl &lt;meta name="ICBM" content="37.494147,-77.556501"&gt; " but when I read <b>ICBM</b> I quickly changed them accordingly. You will see me on the wide view[^]

Originally posted by jeff
<br />Any suggestions for map features? It's about done unless someone has an idea.

Anyway to get the list of names presorted by State?
About 2 or 3 times I year I make road trips to see family in Ct. and N.Y.
If I knew which members were where I could set up a meeting for coffee or something.
That is how I originally met Lou.
Though there are some I converse with over the phone on a regular basis and know where they live, It might be nice to drop an e-mail to someone I didn't know of there where abouts prior to such a trip.
(Well you asked for suggestions)[^]
Originally posted by smoky10
<br />I entered my lon/lat and it doesn't show on the map. Am I doing something wrong?
Just use the numbers separated by a comma, not the "lat/lon"
Originally posted by cteaglesc
<br />
Originally posted by jeff
<br />Any suggestions for map features? It's about done unless someone has an idea.

Anyway to get the list of names presorted by State?
About 2 or 3 times I year I make road trips to see family in Ct. and N.Y.
If I knew which members were where I could set up a meeting for coffee or something.
That is how I originally met Lou.
Though there are some I converse with over the phone on a regular basis and know where they live, It might be nice to drop an e-mail to someone I didn't know of there where abouts prior to such a trip.
(Well you asked for suggestions)[^]

Not a bad idea Eagle. As we figured once you passed within a quarter of a mile from my house. Had we just known, I would have hidden in the woods. [:D] Of course, with my Southern camo skills I would have likely stuck out like a sore thumb in these Northern woods! (Your turn) [;)]
Ron I'm in but must be raining over all Australia [:D], sky is grey, can't see the map[:p] how do I get lon/lat numbers? maybe that why the map doesn't show up
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />
Originally posted by cteaglesc
<br />
Originally posted by jeff
<br />Any suggestions for map features? It's about done unless someone has an idea.

Anyway to get the list of names presorted by State?
About 2 or 3 times I year I make road trips to see family in Ct. and N.Y.
If I knew which members were where I could set up a meeting for coffee or something.
That is how I originally met Lou.
Though there are some I converse with over the phone on a regular basis and know where they live, It might be nice to drop an e-mail to someone I didn't know of there where abouts prior to such a trip.
(Well you asked for suggestions)[^]

Not a bad idea Eagle. As we figured once you passed within a quarter of a mile from my house. Had we just known, I would have hidden in the woods. [:D] Of course, with my Southern camo skills I would have likely stuck out like a sore thumb in these Northern woods! (Your turn) [;)]

I can just see you in the woods as I drive by, nosing your thumbs at me.
( no reference intended to any forum member but CAV.)
Originally posted by rtparso
<br />Jeff I cna't seem to get it to work.
Ron, you didn't have the country selected from the drop-down on your profile page. Even though I don't do a lookup on your location, since it goes in the popup on the map, it needs to be filled in. All fixed!
Just a reminder, when you paste your coordinates into the geocode field in your profile, use numbers only, don't include "lat/lon". Also, your city, state, and country need to be entered along with having your geocode filled in.

Just a couple more tweaks to the map, then I'll put a link on the main page.

Should we make the map viewable for members only, as are member profiles?
Ron, you didn't have the country selected from the drop-down on your profile page. Even though I don't do a lookup on your location, since it goes in the popup on the map, it needs to be filled in. All fixed!
But Jeff I don't live in the country I live in the city!!!
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