Meet for a coffee? A little "show-n-tell" ??

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Informa Meet-up on a Saturday in January

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Mar 22, 2005
Manassas Park, Virginia, USA.
We used to get together pretty regularly "back in the day".

I know I've not been around too much in the last couple of years, but I'm reading the forum over and even turned a couple of pens here lately!

Jim (Druid) suggested getting together some time, so here's a bit of a "bug in your ear"!

Some time during January, on a time/date/place yet to be determined, let's meet for an informal lunch and maybe a little show-n-tell, maybe a pen blank swap! Maybe we could do a field trip to a wood store?

Think of a place that is kind of central to all those wishing to attend (NoVa somewhere) and a Saturday (?) morning OTHER THAN THE THIRD SATURDAY! This leaves us January 5, 12, or 26. (Actually, YOU can do it any Saturday, but I cannot meet on the third Saturday of the month!)

Post your suggestions/availability here and let's put it together!!
ALSO, note your time preferences in your messages below as well, an afternoon meetup is OK too!!

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Hi all,

Sounds like a fun time. Do we have a place figured out? Looks like most want to try to meet up on the 26th. It may be a hike for some, but I can probably get us the use of the shop at the Leesburg Woodcraft. The Springfield one has a Windsor Chair class going on that weekend.

A place and time needs to be decided, since the 26th was the overwhelming favorite!

I would suggest somewhere in Springfield, since that seems to be the most central location to everyone. I have no objection to Leesburg, but that's a pretty good haul for the Maryland participants.

I don't think we have to meet at a wood-related location, any restaurant that could accommodate a table for 6 or 8 would do. (with a little room to stretch out)

Time and place folks? (James needs something after 2:00 to travel from Stafford)

There is a restaurant there at the same shopping center as Woodcraft, that's where all my wood-carving friends meet!
A place and time needs to be decided, since the 26th was the overwhelming favorite!

I would suggest somewhere in Springfield, since that seems to be the most central location to everyone. I have no objection to Leesburg, but that's a pretty good haul for the Maryland participants.

I don't think we have to meet at a wood-related location, any restaurant that could accommodate a table for 6 or 8 would do. (with a little room to stretch out)

Time and place folks? (James needs something after 2:00 to travel from Stafford)

There is a restaurant there at the same shopping center as Woodcraft, that's where all my wood-carving friends meet!

Springfield works for me!
Kates and the 26th sound good. Have we settled on a time yet? Finally got the cheer schedule for my daughter, she cheers until Noon that day. Would possibly need to wait for the wife to get home from work before heading North. So 2 (maybe 1:30) would work for me, but I don't want to hold up the rest of the group if that is going to be too late in the day for the majority.
Well, gents, found out late yesterday that my daughter's girl scout troop is doing the powder puff derby on the 26th, so I won't be able to make it. :( In fact, I motivate her to get going on her design so it can be ready in time or it will just be a block of wood going down the track. Hope you all have fun at the gathering and I do hope I can make the next one. And on the bright side, now you can meet closer to lunch time.
Oh Man, This sounds risky! We might need to have a few extra bucks in case we happen to pop into the Woodcraft store! Do you think they will give us a group discount? :biggrin:

So....11:00 for lunch? Final answer?
Kate's for lunch on the 26th? If I can get a kitchen pass from SWMBO, I'll be there!

When I saw this thread, I was worried I'd missed it already!
Oh Man, This sounds risky! We might need to have a few extra bucks in case we happen to pop into the Woodcraft store!...

Don't forget that hardwood store is just down the street too, it's one of my favorite stops. They have a cutoff box where you can pick pieces that are usually good for pen sizes. I think you get 12 pieces (any size) for $10. I love that! (or $1 per piece, they give the bonus at 12 pieces)

No one is really speaking up here, so we'll call it 2:00.
Springfield, at Kate's Restaurant (in the shopping center with Woodcraft).

No particular agenda except to meet and greet. You might bring a pen or two for show and tell...

Maybe we'll take a trip to Colonial, the wood store down Backlick road.... I keep thinkin' of that "grab bag box"!
Okie Dokie folks are we talking 2pm next Sat? 10 minutes from the house for me. Should we show up waving pens to be recognized?
Haven't checked this forum in months... glad I decided to stop in. I have a message in to the social director to determine if I will be unchained for the day...
Preparation Wrap-Up

I'll try to get there early enough to secure a table that will accommodate about 10 seats in case someone can show that does not indicate so here. (I called, reservations not necessary.)

I'm going to make that a late lunch time for me, so if you like we can get a bite to eat. (Let's try to make it worth the waitress's time and effort.) For convenience, please bring cash so that you can cover your part of the bill and tip. If you want to plan ahead, here's the menu: Kate' Irish Pub Menu | Traditional Irish Food (take a look at the specials too!)

I'll have my pen portfolio with me, you will know what that looks like, so I should be easy to spot. (as well as usually wearing something with Virginia Tech all over it!) The place is not that big that we should be hard to find.

PM me and I'll send you my cell number, if you like. If you can make it, come! I'm sure at that time of day we can fit everyone in, it won't be that crowded!

How about we each bring at least 1 pen blank for a grab-bag. We'll put all the blanks into a bag, and everyone can pull one out for each one you put in??? Just a thought. (put your initials on each blank so we know who contributed, and that you don't have to keep your own!)

Here's the count:
YES markspens
YES azamiryou
YES Charlie W. + 1
YES Dan Hintz
YES Bret Wortman

PROB CarverKen

NO glycerine
NO Crashmph
NO GoodTurns
NO Garrett'sWoodworx
NO Draken

I hope that everyone can make it, even if it is last minute.
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