March meeting

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Local Chapter Leader
Feb 3, 2008
Milwaukee, Wi, USA.
Hi everyone. Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday.

It's about time I post our next meeting. At our last meeting we decided to meet again on March 13. The meeting place will remain the same at Woodcraft at noon.

We will not have a demo, instead we will have an open forum where everyone can discuss problems encountered and how we solved the problem. It'll a good way to "pick" each others brains. Feel free to post some of the things you want to discuss and if you plan on being at the meeting. Bring in some of the pens your proud of and some of the failures (we all have them).

Once again we will be having a pen exchange. This time make anything you want for the PITH. We will also be having a blank exchange.

See you on March 13.
Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
Just a few more weeks until our next meeting.

As stated earlier we will not have a demo but will be having a round table discussion to talk about problems encountered and fixes and anything else you want to bring up.

Don't forget about the blank exchange and PITH.

See everyone on March 13 at noon.
Right Tony, a week from Sunday. March 13th at noon. Hope you can make it.

Don't forget the blank exchange and out own PITH.

Maybe we can even talk Ed into bring some of that famous Racine Kringle. :biggrin:
Hey you guys!!!!! (anyone remember the goonies? :) )

We need to have some more people at the meeting on sunday!!!! I'm making the drive from GB...

I hope we get a good crew here again!! I missed the last meeting and hope to meet some new folks!
I will be there.

May I make a suggestion for this meeting? I do not have a very good camera to photograph my pens. Would someone be willing to bring their photography stuff with them and take pictures for the rest of us?

Just a thought.

See everyone Sunday.


Plan on SUNDAY at Woodcraft!!!

"Pen making OOOOooopppppss's 101" is the topic of the day!!
Ugh ... Looks like I'm gonna miss another meeting.... And I'm already in MKE :(

Daughter is running a temp so we have to go home and get some antibiotics in her cause she is booked for having tonsils removed on friday. Sigh...

Have fun tomorrow guys..
Ugh ... Looks like I'm gonna miss another meeting.... And I'm already in MKE :(

Daughter is running a temp so we have to go home and get some antibiotics in her cause she is booked for having tonsils removed on friday. Sigh...

Have fun tomorrow guys..

Sorry you can't make it.
Hope your daughter has a speedy recovery. Remember, LOTS of ice cream.
Ugh ... Looks like I'm gonna miss another meeting.... And I'm already in MKE :(

Daughter is running a temp so we have to go home and get some antibiotics in her cause she is booked for having tonsils removed on friday. Sigh...

Have fun tomorrow guys..

Sorry you can't make it.
Hope your daughter has a speedy recovery. Remember, LOTS of ice cream.
For Dean or his daughter:confused::confused::confused:

Hope she feels better soon Dean.
Thanks guys! She'll be fine... She is a pretty healthy kid overall... The last 12 months has been rough though so the tonsils have to go...

But the good news is I did get a little shop time in this afternoon!

(oh, as for ice cream - they now say to hold off on that for a while... milk products are harder to swallow than popsicles, etc.)

I'm sure if YOU eat the ice cream Abby will get great pleasure watching!!!

maybe not

Meeting is TOMORROW!!! Y'all come now, y'ear!!!!
Anyone can attend!! And you ARE a member. Eligible for the drawings (should there be one)!

WoodCraft store in Milwaukee. If you reply quickly, you could save a few miles--I'll meet you at Hwy 20 and drive up.

Edit: from McHenry, you'll be coming up the Rock freeway---nevermind!! See you there!!
Does it Start an Noon?

Thanks for the ride offer but I think for the first time I will find my way myself but I would like to know if it starts at noon?

No I am not a member....yet
You can't post on IAP if you are not a member, so you just don't KNOW you are one!!

Yep, starts at noon, in the basement of WoodCraft, ask for Dave or Ed at the desk, if you want.
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