Looking for the German based resin for blank making

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May 10, 2024
Hello everybody,

I am trying to make some pen blanks from resin but couldn't do it properly till now. I had curing issues with acrylic resin and finishing issues with epoxy.

Currently, I am looking for someone in Germany who has successfully cured a resin (PUR) and turned and finished a pen with it without a problem. I need a German-based or European brand name and model because I am located in Germany and there are so many suppliers with so many models, it is hard to decide what to buy and I already spent my money twice with wrong decisions.

Thanks in advance.

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I'm not in Germany, and I can't help you with a German resin, but Alumilite Clear Slow is a resin that many, including myself, use on IAP. There seems to be a distributor in Poland that sells the product. It's not going to finish as well as acrylic, but you can get a great finish with polishing and buffing. Also requires a pressure pot to remove all bubbles.

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I'm not in Germany, and I can't help you with a German resin, but Alumilite Clear Slow is a resin that many, including myself, use on IAP. There seems to be a distributor in Poland that sells the product. It's not going to finish as well as acrylic, but you can get a great finish with polishing and buffing. Also requires a pressure pot to remove all bubbles.

Thank you. To be honest, I am looking for a resin that is approved by pen turners and buyable in Germany. So, that might be one of the best option for me.

I don't have any buffing system but I can reach good results with zona papers+acrylic polish (aerosol)+Meguiars Plastx on acrylics. Do you think does it work on alumilite?
Thank you. To be honest, I am looking for a resin that is approved by pen turners and buyable in Germany. So, that might be one of the best option for me.

I don't have any buffing system but I can reach good results with zona papers+acrylic polish (aerosol)+Meguiars Plastx on acrylics. Do you think does it work on alumilite?
I use Zona paper (1-3 grits) and polish with Novus (Plastx works fine). However, I find that buffing really brings out the shine on alumilite for me. Some people put a thin layer of CA finish on top of the alumilite to get the high shine, but I prefer to skip that and buff it.

You can build a buffing jig for your lathe if you would like. There are many videos online. I like Menzerna buffing compounds, which are made in Germany, so they should be somewhat easy to find for you. I have been experimenting with the Menzerna gw16 and moving to the Menzerna g52 which has produced fantastic results for me. Quality cotton buffing wheels are also important if you go this route.
I use Zona paper (1-3 grits) and polish with Novus (Plastx works fine). However, I find that buffing really brings out the shine on alumilite for me. Some people put a thin layer of CA finish on top of the alumilite to get the high shine, but I prefer to skip that and buff it.

You can build a buffing jig for your lathe if you would like. There are many videos online. I like Menzerna buffing compounds, which are made in Germany, so they should be somewhat easy to find for you. I have been experimenting with the Menzerna gw16 and moving to the Menzerna g52 which has produced fantastic results for me. Quality cotton buffing wheels are also important if you go this route.
Noted. Thank you for detailed information.

I was familiar with Menzerna products but didn't know they had a buffing compound. That is good to know. I will give it a shot when I make a buffing system on my wood lathe.

I am new at pen making, however, I spent some time on shaving brush making and, in my opinion, finishing is always the biggest issue. After some experiments, it looks like everybody has his unique technique and, too much time and money is spent to figure it out. It is some kind of personal discovery for every turner :)

And especially thanks for sharing your own recipe, hope that works for me :)
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