long weekend

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Apr 1, 2007
Had a long weekend and i came upon some scraps of walnut, oak, maple, and cherry.Anyone need a cutting board?







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All of your projects look great. I like the bird feeder. Never thought about making one. My wife goes nuts over them. If she see this I quess the pen business will be put on hold.
Really nice cutting boards!
I like the contrast of the woods in
the two with the vino bottle.
Hey,if you're not careful,the birds will want
another custom feeder for a block party!!:):)
I love them all. the contrasts in color are great. I really like the wine holder, and would like to make a few for gifts. ? for you what angle are the wine holders cut at, or do you plat around with how the bottle balances to find youe angle.Nice work wish I had such a productive weekend,LOL. Victor
I just finished another one of these.
This one has turned out the best so far.
This along with all my other projects are heading to my first craft show this saturday.
I hope i can make more there than i could working 8 hours of overtime.Because that is what i am passing up.
Wish me luck my friends.

Originally posted by LandfillLumber

I love them all. the contrasts in color are great. I really like the wine holder, and would like to make a few for gifts. ? for you what angle are the wine holders cut at, or do you plat around with how the bottle balances to find youe angle.Nice work wish I had such a productive weekend,LOL. Victor

Here are a couple plans on the web.


The plans are in my head and i could not have done these clocks without the help of my neighbor who is a retired tool and die maker and my trusty incra miter gauge.Cutting 12 pieces at 15 degrees on both sides and have it all match up for a tight 360 degrees is not the most relaxing project i have done.The wood is all brazillizn cherry i found in the lugger of a house under construction which just had it's floors done in it.
Well i did it and i made about $200.
The cutting boards brought in most all my money.
It was a good experience for me and i got the wife and kids to hang out with me.They had alot of fall and holloween stufff for the kids which helped.
I sold two pen holders one corian and one oak and got $55.00 for both of them. what a long day


Originally posted by CHICAGOHAND

Here are some banks I am working on for my boys. I bought the doors from pen state http://www.pennstateind.com/ and recieved great service from them after finding a discrepency in web site prices.

Now we're talkin'! I have a couple of those doors. Bought them from a friend who is a <s>junk</s>, I mean purveyor of fine older things buyer/seller several years ago. Great idea!
I have a show wednesday that my sister in law talked me into and I hope things go well. These are something new for me and I hope I can sell some in order to get back some of the money I have in them.


It all looks good, especially the walnut bowl. I really like the effect of the one layer of light wood offset from the rest.
I've been dying to make some of those clocks for years. I have 10 seiko inserts, just sitting waiting for me. I think that's going to be Christmas gifts this year. I will likely use some of that fantastic veneer that I've been hoarding. As for the cutting boards, they're so pretty, I'd hate to cut on them.[8D]

Wow, I just looked at the rest of your posts in this thread and you have quite a line of products that you make. They all look fantastic too. I call myself a woodworker, but you are a master.
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I have just finished these for a customer. They sold for $30.00 per bowl, I cant see someone paying more than that for a salad bowl but I wont do them for less.
Three of them are solid and three are laminated with three 1 inch pieces. Thanks for looking.

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