Lilac ??

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Mar 30, 2006
Putnam, Connecticut, USA.
two part question, part one. semi-dry branch, squared to 1.25" ends sealed with wax. How long do I let this dry? Part two, anyone ever make this stuff into a pen?? Pretty cool heartwood. I know I have to work around the soft center, but the rest should turn fine, right? I hope to grab some of the very white sap wood too. I managed to get 4 big blanks out of it and would like to make at least a set of cigar pen/pencil's for my dad and maybe a slimlind for my mom. The lilac has been in out family for generations.. My great, great grandmother planted it and this will be a suprise for them as they don't even know I brought this chunk home (branch cracked so I "trimed it off" :D
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I have a bunch of lilac but have yet to make any pens out of. I have seen pens from this and it has a nice purple colored heart, thought the hearts are tiny and you have to keep to one side of the pith. You could try the microwave drying method if you are in a hurry, just don't cook it too long.

Lee, Lilac is nice stuff to work with. I left the branch this came from sit for about 8 months before cutting up, and then let the blanks sit for another 4 weeks before turning. Since your's is cut into blanks, they may be ready to turn in 3 to 4 months. The microwave drying method may prove beneficial for you.

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Thanks, I was thinking it may work well. Here are my blanks, I have them well open to air, I have them spaced apart in one of those 8x8x8 Wall-Mart milk crate things I keep my blanks in and raised off the bottom. I tried to cut it so the pith was on the outside edge. The branch was about 5" in diameter so I was able to pretty much 1/2 cut the sticks and mill that down.

Here's the blanks. This stuff was planted in the early 1800's

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