Lets DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Feb 13, 2005
Falls City, Texas, USA.
Beavers Win!!!! 28-19

We are in the big dance

Classic high school football game. Two very good teams just standing toe to toe punching away! If you are not familiar with Texas high school football, it is pretty amazing. Don can vouch for me on what it means to be in the playoffs. This is my sixth trip in eight years.

BTW: When you see the coaches get the cooler of water poured on them.... It really sucks. Your heart skips about two beats, you can't breath for a minute. I got really dizzy and then a headache from it tonite. The good thing is, you only have it happen when something really good happens!

Back to work at 7:00am. Most people have to coach basketball now! LOL
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We won...season over...first time not dancing in 14 years...14 years in a row....no playoff at Holliday this yr. Congratulations Coach!
Do a good turn daily!
Originally posted by coach
<br />Beavers Win!!!! 28-19

We are in the big dance
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