Leather Pen Case Group Buy

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Member Liaison
Feb 6, 2005
Tunica, Mississippi,
I missed your request to send payment during my travels. Seems like there was a flurry of posts on my travel days back to Japan and home (here).

IF you did include me, I will send payment but I don't know how much to send (for USA delivery for 24 singles) . If you did not include me because I didn't respond, that will be OK.



Member Liaison
Feb 6, 2005
Tunica, Mississippi,
Everyone to this point should have received a total for there order and where to pay.

The good news of the day is that the supplier dropped the 100 case min order requirement as they now agree that I was not told of this up front. This actually makes me happy for a couple of reasons. One I really do not think the buy is going to reach 100 cases on the 24 pen cases, and two it is an action on their part that shows they will do the right thing.


I did not get any notification. Please let me know.

I signed up for 25 back on April 7:


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Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
Hank, PM sent
I know there are others that got lost in the switching of threads etc. I do have a list of anyone that posted an order on the feeler thread. att his time any of those orders are considered as being in the group buy.

when the group buy switched to this new thread new info was added and the price of the cases increased. For these reasons I do not take any order placed in the feeler thread as the final word.
At this time I have about 20 people that posted in the feeler thread that have not verified those orders after the final prices and conditions where set in this thread. i will be trying to contact those people by PM and E-mail this week.

The final word on whether you order is in or not is if I have you payment when I place the order. at this time I am not sure just how long that will be. I tried placing an order of my own last week and so far have not gotten any reply of any kind concerning it. I am a bit baffled as to what to make of that. could be my contact with the company went on vacation or is traveling. At this time I hate to even try to guess what could be going on. at this point everyone's money is safe and secure in my pay pal account so nothing to get seriously worried about.


Jan 26, 2006
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.
If possible could you update the topic to say closed or the first message?

It would help out others from trying to search thru the postings to see if a group buy is still active.


Bradbn -- having some fun in Colorado -

Hank, PM sent
I know there are others that got lost in the switching of threads etc. I do have a list of anyone that posted an order on the feeler thread. att his time any of those orders are considered as being in the group buy.

..... .


Jan 26, 2006
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.
Drat -- I thought it was possible and such - maybe the difference between the old setup vs the new one.

Is it possible to edit the first message in the thread - just looking for some way to make it easier for folks to determine the current status of a group buy.

Brad -- oh the rain - it is use nice to hear it rain -- having fun in Colorado


Jan 6, 2009
Sandston, Va

sent the paypal. sorry for the delay i lost my father and have been tied up taking care of things. hope i paid in time? let me know.


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
All orders are payed for except two. Translation the buys is an unquestionable go on the money collection part.
I placed a small 100 case order about a week and a half ago. I did this in order to work out any bugs in the system as far as getting payment made etc.
well considering I am still working on the final details of actually paying for the order. You can imagine there are a few bugs. the good news is that the supplier is working with me to be able to pay directly from my pay pal account. Very nice of them to go to so much effort over a 100 case order.
I expect to have that trial order in my possession in the next week or so.
I also have about 20 people from the feeler thread that I did not hear from again on this thread. I am going to send them a bill and give them that week to get payments in.


Jan 10, 2008
Gaithersburg, MD, USA.

Sorry, been offline for a couple weeks. I posted in the feeler thread - if I can still make the payment let me know and I will. I'll have to go back to the other thread to see what I said. Alternatively I'd be happy to go with 1 24-pen case and 10 single cases ($34 I think?).

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Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
Mike, PM sent.
For anyone else from the feeler thread. I consider you in the buy and am still trying to collect payment. I still have 11 people on the feeler thread (down from about 25) list that I have not heard from. I even took a chance of posting in Casual conversation to get peoples attention.

I am not sure what else I can try other than list the user names and see if anyone out there knows how to get in contact with them.

for the most part I ended the buy to any new orders to limit it's size. I will still be collecting payments for orders that did get in on time until the order is actually placed.

I received an e-mail this morning that My trial order should be ready to ship in a couple of days so time is starting to run short.

At this time I only have two unpaid orders one of those I refunded due to not having shipping info included with it. I am thinking that person does not even realize the payment was refunded.

well anyway I have done everything I can to wave flags at people. Jeff did change editing ability for thread titles so maybe I can stop this thread changing stuff. it has really caused some bad hic ups in the process.


Jan 6, 2009
Sandston, Va
Hey Daniel if those people don't answer up why don't you put a list up of what you had ordered already and maybe some of us may increase our orders. Atleast that will make up the difference so you don't have to eat it as hard.


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
Jim, I don't need any more volume in the order. I just hate for people to get left out.
I went from a feeler thread that is not locked to this thread. Price changed from $1.30 per case to $2.00 per case on just the single cases. I am simply trying to find out if all the people that posted interest in the feeler thread are still interested in placing that order. so far the responses have been mixed. some have dropped out for various reasons, others have reduced there order. and others still want the same items, and others have actually increased their order.

Changes are nearly impossible to pass on with forums being the main form of communication. even with all the posts I have written detailing what is going on and an expected time frame I still get e-mails asking how long it will take for the cases to arrive. The general habit is that once someone has their order in they do not read the thread again. basically communication is cut off unless I send each person an e-mail. with over 50 people involved in the buy, that is not likely to happen unless it is very serious. as it is I have sent PM's three times.
At this time all I am waiting for is the trial order to reach me. once that is done and all problems have been worked out. I will place the group order.

Just some general interest
at this time the buy has 52 orders (still waiting on 2)
these orders total
808 single cases
66 double cases
53 24 pen cases
318 single large cases

At this time I have one person that made payment but did not include their address so I refunded the payment and Pm'd them to resend with address. so far I have gotten no responce.
I also have one order that was increased but the difference in payment has not been made.
I also have one person working on putting an order together that is large.
I also have to add the extras I want to have in stock to the order.
The buy just in single cases could be as high as 1500 cases when it is done.

Each time this thread gets bumped it seems to attract the attention of one or two more of the feeler thread people.


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
I received an E-mail this morning that my trial order has been shipped. It is Sunday their time so I will not get tracking info until tomorrow. They are about 12 hours ahead of me time wise so at the time of me writing this it is about 4:00 P.M. on Sunday there.
These will be the first large pocket pen cases. I will be able to verify that they work well for the larger pens. I will update on this thread once I have had a hands on inspection.


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
Hello All,
I got the e-mail that my trial order of 100 cases shipped yesterday. It was waiting for me at home when I got home from work today. that was fast.
It turned out to be a good idea to do the trial though as lots of little details got worked out. Including that the large pocket cases fit the big pens even better than I expected.

I just sent for a total on the group buy order and expect to have it paid for and under way in the next day or two. I was told to expect 30 days to manufacture an order of 500 cases. our order was 1000 of the single pen cases alone. and 1900 cases in total.
At this time I have no idea how long to expect them to be made but if shipping remains the same that will pretty much all the wait there is.

I do have one partially paid orders and two unpaid orders. the list on the first page is not up to date. I sitll ordered the unpaid items so everything can get straightened out later.

thanks everyone this has been a long long group buy.


Jan 17, 2008
corpus christi, texas, USA.
Thanks for the massive effort you have put forth and also for the updates. Am I to understand that our wait for the orders will be upwards of 30 to 45 days? Thats alright, just asking so I can mark the approx date.
Thanks again,


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
Alex, you are at least in the ball park on the length of wait.
I was told to expect 30 days for 500 cases. a larger order would require more time. that is exactly how it was told to me. our order is about 4 times that size. I pray it does not mean 4 times the wait.
my trial order took less time than was quoted to complete.


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
I updated the list on the first page of this thread.
I also put the three orders I have a payment problem with at the very bottom so it is easy to find. if your name is not one of the last three people your order is paid for and I have your address.
If you are one of the three please know that I did order your items and will continue to get into contact with you. I do realize that when a buy drags on this long most people do not see changes or check back for updates etc. I really worry when I completely loose track of people though as it usually means they have not so good things happening in their lives. Above all I hope all is well with everyone and the details of the buy will be taken care of when you contact me wondering where your order is.


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
For those just seeing this thread or otherwise realizing they just missed it.

1. I did order a very few extras so go ahead and pm me.
2. I did this buy with a lot of comments about caution etc. Due to this I suspect there will still be considerable interest in these cases when this buy is complete. I expect to turn around and conduct another buy very quickly after this buy is complete.


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
I have gotten a couple of e-mails from people concerned their name is on the list.
for the moment I am posting this to let them know there is no problem. the list is still not complete. I will fix it asap.

I will reply to you through PM as soon as it starts responding.

I am going to replace the entire list. if there is nothing next to your name then you are paid and all is well. if there is a note you need to contact me.


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
I received an e-mail this morning that in short said there is a 12% increase to the cost of the entire order. it asked if I could help cover half of this cost.

I placed a small 100 case order for the express purpose of allowing the supplier and myself to discovered any unexpected costs. nothing was mentioned at that time about any additional costs.

I have had concerns about the integrity of this company, given there origins, from the start. and to be honest if there was going to be any such "Price Increase" this is exactly the point I would have expected to see it come up.

The e-mail claimed that the 4% pay pal fee was not added to the quote. they claimed they did not expect for me to pay for the order via pay pal even though i have repeatedly said I will make payment by pay pal only.

They also claim that they are charged 12% in taxes if i pay through pay pal rather than a bank transfer. I can see the chance that this might be true only it does not make since that it is taxes. I suspect they may incurred currency conversion costs since pay pal does not support INR. still they had every opportunity to descover this cost during my trial order.

Personally I am of the opinion that either they are trying to jack the price of the order or are suffering the costs of sloppy business practices.

I replied to the e-mail that I am wiling to pay the additional 4% pay pal fees but will not pay any part fo the 12%. i spent over $200 to afford them avery opportunity to discover any such costs. that is more than I should have been expected to do.

I am expecting to receive a payment request in the next 24 hours for the quoted amoutn plus 4%. Ifnot this buy will most likely be canceled. I will update when i know more.

Please let me know if you have any comments or opinions you would like to add. i do not know it all, I can only go with what I do know. at this moment I am very angry and making any decisions including posting this is probably not wise. My time right now is limited as I have a very busy weekend.

On a good note, I took my son fishing this morning. Caught 7 trout in about 4 hours. we are getting ready to go out for the evening feeding frenzy. I added that jsut so you all know my world does not come to a complete stand still over this stuff.
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Jul 30, 2007
Franklin, NC, USA.
I too am willing to pay the extra.

It sounds to me that this mite be a small mom & pop business (We all know about them) and they mite not be set up for a large quantity run that you are doing and maybe increasing prices to cover the added work of a large order. Just a thought.

But what ever the case as long as you like the sample run and the quality is there I would like to see the buy go on.



Mar 27, 2009
Tampa, FL
Whatever my share of the additional costs will be, let me know, I will gladly pay. Also, if there are any extra's or we can add to the order without messing things up I could use one or two of the 24 pen cases or whatever the large cases were. If not, no big deal, heck, I may have ordered some and don't remember, lol


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
Thanks everyone, At this time it looks like no extra will be needed. I received an e-mail this morning saying that they will send me an payment requests for the order as quoted plus the 4% pay pal fees. they just wanted to make sure I agreed to that. At any rate it looks like they are going to stand by their quote on this order. I don't expect we will be getting this price again though.


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
I just made the payment for 50% of the order. Quoted cost plus 4% for pay pal fees which I expected to have to pay. so the buy is back on track.
I will have to come up with some other way to pay that works better for them. convincing them to work through pay pal is just not working for them. via the bank does not work for me. I already new i am in a bad way when it comes to being able to pay for orders anyway. I am starting to think that I need to just go set up a business checking account for all of this. It would be nice to keep group buy money separate from any other funds. as it is my pen turning money floats in and out.. So far it has not been a problem keeping track since I don't have a whole lot of pen turning money.
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