Learning to turn.

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Feb 6, 2009
San Francisco
Hello my name is Charlie and I've just joined this site. I want to learn to start to turning and am looking for someone to give me a little one on one lessons on the finer points of turning. Any help would be greatly appreciated. By the way I live in San Francisco.:)
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Welcome. Do you have a lathe? Have you done any kind of wood working or turning before? I would be happy to talk with you. Where in San Francisco do you live? We are having a meeting at the end of the month and you should attend to meet everyone and learn some things. We always have some kind of demonstration and learn from each other.
I took a class at Woodcraft and it was very helpful and gave me a really good foundation for beginning this adventure of pen turning. Woodcraft is in San Carlos and they have really good instructors.

Hello nava1uni, I did attend an intro class at WoodCraft in San Carlos. It was 3 hours and cost $60. When I called to sign up, I was led to believe that we would actually be doing some turning in class. But when I asked the instructor if we were going to do any turning he said, "that was done in another class." this class was just an intro. I was pretty disappointed. That next class costs $170. It's nine hours of instructions, 3 different nights at 3 hrs/evening. So far I've already spent about $200 on books and dvds on turning. At this point, I would rather spend the rest of my money on actual tools, lathe and materials. That is why I am reaching out and hopefully get some much needed one on one hands on turning.
As far as purchasing an actual lathe, the only actual lathe that I've ever seen was the one at WoodCraft. I think it was a Rikon. I got to touch it, but since it was off I didn't actually see it in action. I've been doing a lot of researching on lathes on the net and there's actually not a whole lot of information available. But a lot of people seem to favor the Jet lathes. I guess if I were to buy one, it would be the PSI Turncrafter Pro. The reviews on Amazon were very favorable and for the price, it seems like a very good value. But what do I know.
I live about 5 mins from SF State. Maybe I can be your apprentice.:biggrin:
Charlie, if you are not in a huge rush keep an eye on craigslist and on the classifieds here. Lathes are always popping up. There were two FREE lathes just dropped on the street in Alameda last week.

There is a nice setup on the classifieds here but the person hasn't responded to my emails. Worth a try anyway.

If you are going to buy a new one then you should think hard about what you want to do. I bought the Rockler off-brand initially because it seemed like it was a good value. After using it once I returned it and bought a jet 1014vs. Great lathe but the new 1220 would be nicer for bigger bowls and vases and stuff. I drool over the Powermatic 3520... I guess what I'm saying is that it is cheaper to buy a good, big lathe once rather than doing an upgrade or three on the way.

Cindy would be a great teacher! And if you want to travel a bit you are welcome to come down here to Pleasanton any time. You Definitely should join us at the next get together.

Hello Greg. I did check Craigslist, but they were slim pickins. Not much choice or selection. I considered the Jet Mini but I just can't seem to justify to myself why I need to get it when the PSI TurnCrafter Pro is so similar to it but yet costs about less than half of the Jet. Mind you, I've never actually seen a Jet or the TurnCrafter Pro in person, just pictures on the net. I know the old saying " you get what you pay for." Is there really a huge difference between the two. And does that difference justify why it costs $200 more. If someone can illustrate to me in a tangible and quantifiable way the difference between the two i.e. machining, bearings, bushings/pulley, metal etc. etc. etc. I just need to get a clearer perspective on the cost disparity. Hhhhhhhmm.....you mentioned that you own a Jet, I really want to check it out. Please,please,please can I see it. I can come over anytime. I don't mind driving all the way to Pleasanton. I will PM you.:biggrin:
If you come to the meeting in Fresno, let me know and I will bring some videos for you. If you have the means, Sacramento craigslist and Stockton have tons of tools.
Hi Charlemagne;
welcome to the group. If you see somthing in the Stockton/Modesto area and want me to check it out let me know. The we can work out a deal to get it to you. If your not busy on the 28th of Feb. we are having a shin-ding get together in Fresno.
There are a couple of lathes on Craigslist. I really think that you should think long and hard before you purchase the PSI lathe. If you want you can come and see my lathe to get an idea of what a midi lathe can do. I am off work next Friday. I have to go to San Carlos to take a brief class on the Saw Stop saw for a day long class that I am taking on Saturday. I should be available in the afternoon. If that works for you give me a call.
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