Lazerlinez throwaway?

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Oct 4, 2010
Atlanta, GA area (Dacula)
I recently did a laser cut cross pen from Lazerlinez that came out really nice. After completing the kit and making the pen I had two cross cutout pieces left over. Normally these would go in the trash, but being a basically stingy guy and wanting to be a little creative....I glued the parts to a tube and then using a resin saver mold, cast them in a very dark grey/black pearl. I figured that would match the inside cross.

Ended up the inside cross was not as black as I though, but it still came out pretty nice. I am happy with it.

Thanks for looking


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A real trash there! This seems to be a trend...keep the kit leftovers and make an awesome pen. Hmmm
Nice job, and a great idea for a leftover inlay. Coming from a pretty frugal upbringing, I pretty much keep everything that has the remotest chance of being used someday...

We have been in current house since 1983, so major cleanout is now at critical stage. But tossing out those "treasured leftovers" is not going well.

That is just awesome! I just realized I had a piece of black wood from lazerlinez with three horses cut out of it. I guess I could do the same thing in reverse and fill those horses in with resin using a rs mold. Thanks for sharing a great idea.
Very nice pen I really like your idea, I have $300.00 worth of lazer inlay kits from koi fish to eagles,flowers,ect. I got to try this soon!!!. So you just glue the negative pieces onto the tube and then fill with resin is that what im hearing?
Thanks for sharing!
A real trash there! This seems to be a trend...keep the kit leftovers and make an awesome pen. Hmmm

maybe i can start crushing swarf into some kind of art :biggrin:

Very nice work Gary

Care to point me in the right direction of a resin saver mold?
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