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Jul 19, 2013
Doncaster, UK
Finally finished this one up. Looks simpler than the last one but actually took longer to make. Trying to decide if I should put something in the cage on the cap or just leave it. Nothing I have put it does it for me. My last thought is a small brass propellor but I don't have one at the minute.

Anyway, see what you think.

Oh, I do turn pens - honest. Should really do a turned one for my next project., this forum is called penturners :biggrin:

Thanks for looking, until next time.
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Very nice....some nice soldering it reminds me of when I used to build brass HO train locomotives. As for that cage on top kind of reminds me of a light house sort of maybe some sort of little bulb....Still looks great as it is....

Very cool looking pen! Amazing detail on that pen. Definately looking forward to your next creation!
Thank you all once again for your kind comments.'s time for you to ditch the kit. :wink:

I agree with Skiprat...time to lose the kit

Got to agree with losing the kit, or using a higher quality one.

Hold on guys, I've only just started using kits!!!!::)

Seriously though I would love too, but at the minute I think it's just a little out of my reach in terms of money, equipment and knowledge. I have wanted to be able to use a metal lathe and mill for a long time in my other hobby but its just not been possible. Maybe in the future, we will see.

Once again thank you all for taking the time to look at my efforts.
It honestly looks like a miniature musical instrument. So if you want to keep the kits, I think the next step is to make it actually able to produce sound.
your pen

Fantastic pen very artistic. Is it for use in a Victorian time machine? Did you use piecs of an erector set??

This is a "penturners" forum and I'd say you "turned" out a darn cool pen. I love'em. Keep them coming. Looks like they would be real fun to build.
My god. Your pens take pen making to a whole new level. They don't belong in anyone's pocket or collection, but rather belong on display in a museum. I consider myself someone with an incredible imagination and I still couldn't come up with something like this. My hat is off to you sir
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