Ladies purse pen

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Jan 26, 2005
Queensland, Australia.
This is a single piece twist pen made for the ladies who want something different for their bag. Made from "ringed" Budgeroo and decorated with inlays of glitter to give it a lift. A bit of scrap jewellery tops it off. The mech. is activated by turning the top piece. The basic kit is a slimline with a cap from a fob ring kit. What do you think? Catch you later...... Cj .....

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Great looking pen and creativity in the use of a SL kit. Like the gliter accents. Jury still out on the jewelry attachment. LOML will have to tell me if I like it or not.[:D]
I wasn't sure at first, bit it kind of grows on you. This would definitely be something I can see my wife carrying in her purse, or my daughter bringing with her to school. Nice job.
Very pretty wood and I'll bet the ladies will love the pen. Good job!!

For my personal taste, the pen looks a hair "chubby." Have you considered doing a slimed down version?? Not a bushing to bushing slimline; but maybe something half way in between??
Very pretty! What color are the accents? I cannot quite see. Maybe blue? I am sure the color shows up better in person!
Many thanks for the comments......... photo is off a bit but the accents are blue glitter and do go good with the wood....... people are telling me they like the thicker pen to hold ..... it also gives you more material width to show off the wood better...... Catch ya .....Cj ..
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