Lacewood Trimline

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Jan 8, 2013
Las Vegas
Last weekend a gentleman at the local lumber store (bent?) company policy and hooked me up with a couple feet of teak which had a knotted area with really great figure around it. The couple feet left less than the 8ft on the rack which they like to have as a minimum. This being Vegas (a tipping helpful helpers kinda town), and I didn't have any cash on me, so I told the guy I'd make him a pen as a thank you. The attached is what I came up with.

Along with the teak I bought a couple feet of this lacewood to chop up into blanks. I felt like the wood was fairly dry to begin with but to make sure I baked it at about 160 for 6 hours or so, then put it in a ziploc and sealed it. There was no water vapor in the bag so I figured it was dry enough. (I hope I got that right as I'd never tried anything like that before) :rolleyes:

combined the lacewood with a 24kt PSI Trimline kit I had from a bundle I'd purchased. I like the Trimlines, easy to create and they are light and comfortable in the hand. I stabilized the wood with CA as I worked it close to final dimensions. Finished with CA (3 thin/3 med w/ accelerant), sanded 400 and 600 then buffed w/ tripoli and white diamond.

Thanks for looking, C & C are appreciated,


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Joe; A very nice jesture on your part. The pen will be remembered long after a tip would have. Your photo is very dark and the grain can not be well seen. I would try moving your lites forward or playing with your photo shop a little more. Jim S
yeah, I really need to work on my photo setup. I'm using my wife's dslr, but I'm taking the shots on the kitchen table and just setting the camera to auto. I should talk nice to her and see if she'll take the shots for me:biggrin:. Have to be real nice now that I spend a lot of time in the garage shop...
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