"Keystone" Bowl

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Oct 1, 2007
Palm Coast, FL, USA.
I made this bowl, inspired by a similar bowl in Malcolm Tibbett's book "The Art of Segmented Turning", over the course of a couple of months. The woods used are Brazilian Cherry, Walnut and Ash. The finish is Minwax Tung Oil finish.

A word to the wise. When starting a segmented bowl have a clear idea as to where you are going! By the time I finished construction the bowl diameter was 15". This posed a bit of a problem as I have a Jet mini lathe [:I]

I was fortunate that one of the members of my wood turning club allowed me to turn it on his lathe. He also watched over my shoulder as this was the third bowl that I have made.

Although it looks intimidating construction is relatively simple. In essence the bowl is made from a single board.

I laminated an ash board onto a cherry board (approx. 6" x 30"). Then I crosscut the laminated board at an angle to make a bunch of segments. I then crosscut a walnut board at the same angle and cut an equal amount of segments.

The segments were glued together to form two half circles. Each half circle was then cut on my band saw to form 6 half rings. The angle of the BS table was adjusted for each cut.

Then the matching half rings were glued together to form 6 circles. Then the circles were stacked and glued on top of each other.

Lastly the walnut base and rim were glued to the stack.

The shape of the bowl was pretty much predetermined at this point so mostly the turning involved giving the walls a smooth shape and an even thickness.

It was a fun project and I'm looking forward to doing some more segmented turnings.

BTW. The name "Keystone" comes from the oversize walnut segments. These were necessitated by an inability of the operator to set his new Incra miter sled to the correct angle [:I] Who would have thought half a degree would have made any difference :D



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Very nice! I SOOOOooooo want to do one of these.

And I love the Keystone reference. Mind if I borrow it? I'm sure I won't be able to get my segments to the exact right angle either.

Outstanding! I just saw your sewing cabinet. You do very nice work and you have great woodworking skills. The kind of skills that keep all of us inspired. Keep it up!:)
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