Just thinking on the keyboard

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May 15, 2004
Reynoldsburg, OH, USA.
Here's an idea for those turning on the cheap (like me). Many of you use pickguard, fiber washers, and other thin pieces to accent your pens.

First, let me say that there is nothing wrong with that at all and various sources sell them rock bottom cheap. But have you ever tried using something we all throw away (or recycle) routinely. I'm talking about plastic bottle caps! I was at a meeting recently where the attendees were drinking a variety of bottled waters, sports drinks, juices, and sodas. When they left I noticed the collection of caps and that there were, at least six different colored caps.

I have them downstairs trying to find the most effective (and safest) way to detach the flat circle from the sides. The band saw works but the fingers are way too close to the blade (even holding the threaded side). A coping saw works too but wanders (could be a technique problem).

After that comes testing glues to hold them together in laminates or to wood blanks. I probably won't get to that for a little while as I don't have much shop time lately. Still, I thought I'd post the idea to see if anyone else wants to try it.

Happy Holidays!
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how about a wooden dowel on both ends, put between centers then turn off with parting tool...

great now i have to start climbing in dumpsters for caps,
or fighting little old ladies at the redemption center...
If you have a belt sander, or disk sander, put the cap back on the bottle, use the bottle as a hanldle and sand the outside corner down, either all the way to the bottle or just shy,of the bottle, remove the cap and pop off with finger. Never done it but the process looks good in my head.[:)]
You might consider making a hollow punch from a piece of steel pipe. I've made these by using a countersink bit to "sharpen" the pipe. Maybe a small hole saw would also work. It would give you the center hole and outside diameter. The center hole will probably be too small, but could be enlarged by making a punch out of a piece of the brass tube. You might put the brass tube in a drill and use it like a drill bit. It works great on rigid foam that I use at work.
A pair of tin snips will cut the sides off easily .
One word about how you glue this material.
I use bottle caps as separaters sometimes between the bushing and the blank.
CA glue won't stick very well to it.
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