Just bought a new scooter.

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Nov 21, 2007
El Campo,Texas, USA.
My Dad just went a bought a Keeway F-act racing Moped or Scooter. It has a 49cc gasoline engine. Our house is about 3/16 of a mile from our shop,so we get about 60mpg on it. We use to get about 8mpg on our pickup. We have had that scooter about 2wks. now and it still hasn't gave out on us. I don't have a license yet,so I just drive our 5hp. Honda minibike around. Still workin good.;)[:p] The moped gets about 100mpg on the open highway. But not back and forth from the shop to the house.:(:)
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3/16 of a mile is a 5 minute walk.. you'll get even better mileage out of the shoe leather.:D:D

When I was your age I had to walk to the shop in freezing rain and through a hurricane uphill all the way, in both directions.:D[8D]:)[}:)][}:)]
Originally posted by ozmandus

3/16 of a mile is a 5 minute walk.. you'll get even better mileage out of the shoe leather.:D:D

When I was your age I had to walk to the shop in freezing rain and through a hurricane uphill all the way, in both directions.:D[8D]:)[}:)][}:)]
Ah, you must have lived in one of those MC Escher paintings.

Originally posted by 1JaredSchmidt

I take that back. It's a little over a 1/4 of a mile. I have to ride bike uphill to the shop 6x a day.:D

Go to your math teacher and have him/her slap you silly for me! 3/16 IS</u> a little over 1/4 (1/16 over)!
Originally posted by Blind_Squirrel

Originally posted by 1JaredSchmidt

I take that back. It's a little over a 1/4 of a mile. I have to ride bike uphill to the shop 6x a day.:D

Go to your math teacher and have him/her slap you silly for me! 3/16 IS</u> a little over 1/4 (1/16 over)!

Um...Scott...2/16 is only 1/8. 3/16 would be just under</u> 1/4. ***SLAP!!!***

JK. :D
Who would ride a deer out to the shop?

BTW, don't listen to those that advise walking. If I were still 16, I'd ride the minibike (or moped) everywhere I could.
We're thinking about getting my wife one for her commute to and from work. We're looking at a 250cc scooter for her, that 60 mile round trip would be scary on a 50 or 125cc scooter...
Originally posted by ozmandus

When I was your age I had to walk to the shop in freezing rain and through a hurricane uphill all the way, in both directions.:D[8D]:)[}:)][}:)]

We had to do the same thing, except it was always a blizzard and the snow was already a foot deep.
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