just because

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Passed Away Jul 4, 2008
In Memoriam
Jul 5, 2004
Camden, S.C., USA.
You start somethng doesn't mean you necessarily need to finish it.
I only did it because a few suggested I should finish it.


It is not in "show us your best work" for a reason.
As bad as the picture is it does do the pen justice

(I tried the tumbnail thing and it beat me)
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Eagle, I think that looks pretty cool! I'm not sure why you're kicking yourself. Sure, the spacing between the rows of swirls isn't uniform, , and the swirls change shape slightly, but it's a LOT beeter than anything I could do! I think it looks pretty cool; nice job! If this one disappoints you, I can't wait to see one that you think is worthy of posting in "Show Off Your Pens".
I think it's one of your better efforts. I like it alot. You will not see another, that's for sure. It actually looks fantastic compared to what I thought it would look like after viewing the blank ahile back.
The concept is really cool... I can't wait to see one that you like... but it definately is a great concept... I wish I had the patience and tools to do one...
My birthday is next month.
If you really don't like that pen I would be proud to own it.
You are really hard on yourself but I think that's what keeps you thinking outside the pen box.

That is one nice pen.

I assume it's all done with a table or radial arm saw. There should be a way to make a fixture for it by drilling correctly spaced holes in a board fixed to the saw and using a peg sitting in the hole to space the wood over. Looks like the concept is a good one. It also looks that if you wanted to, you could connect them to get sideways swimming continuous sine waves.
Eagle, I admire your goal of constantly 'stretching' your ideas and I appreciate your high personal aspirations.

You're a constant reminder (at least to me) to stretch and aspire.


Actually getting the cuts uniform is prety easy if you know what jig to build. once made every cut would be the same angle and distance apart. not sure if you have ever tried to drill evenly spaced holes. you make a jig that has a peg in it. you drill the first hole then place that hole over the peg to drill the next one. and on and on. every hole is the same distance from the last. a meter gauge would control the angle. a slice of wood could serve as the spacing control piece. hope that makes any since. If not look for info on how to cut a box style dovetail joint. it also uses a jig of this type.
Sorry guys,your detailed jigs with pegs and such defy the KISS method.
The angle for the cuts was determined and made out of plywood on the miter saw, 2 cuts and it was done.
The "jig" went on the sled on the table saw.
Each piece was glued and needed to be trimmed,first with a razor knife and then the glue was planed off to wood.
120 times.In each "row" once the location of the cut was determined, the jig was never moved.Remember on a hex blank with the blade set at 1/2 the thickness of the cut line is hidden.
As I said there were six sides "hex" not 4 or 8.
If and that is a big If I were to attempt this again I would do a few things different ,one of which would be to...

Nope, I am going to save that one until I try it and see if it works.
I appreciate the support on this and maybe the next one will be in the SOYP forum or hopefully in the critqueing forum.
Well, the graph paper turned out nice. [;)]

I remember showing a pen here quite a while ago that I worked really hard on, and I hated it. People gave me some good suggestions; I took it apart, redid some things, and ended up with a nice design.


I don't know if you feel like playing around with this one anymore, but if you dyed the maple (dark??) red, it "might" make the bloodwood blend in a bit.

Anyway, I can see where some of what you did can be used for future glue ups.
Originally posted by cteaglesc
<br />Tim
I love the way you searched for that pen.

I do know how to use the search function. [:)] But don't you just hate the pen I posted???? It was really bad. The redo could not fix all of it's flaws, but it was much more presentable afterwards...I guess I am saying that you shouldn't give up on your complex glue-up. Maybe there is something you can do to salvage it. It may never fit in with what you envisioned, but it could become a nice pen for yourself. [:D]
Originally posted by Old Griz
<br />The concept is really cool... I can't wait to see one that you like... but it definately is a great concept... I wish I had the patience and tools to do one...

PAtience? maybe stubborness, I have an idea for a design and this is just an attempt to get it.(one of a few)
Tablesaw that's it all cuts made on a tablesaw glue ups trimmed with a razor knife and a mini block plane.
If you want to talk patience I couldn't beging to have the patience to do scroll sawing.All those little holes and reinserting the blade.
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