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Sep 17, 2012
Working with the PW, and I absolutely love this device. I went out today and bought me a foot switch for my Dremel 3000, and cannot wait to use it and set everything up just like I want.

Well, tomorrow I am planning on working on doing a few spirals as well as a galouche pattern, and wanting to fill in the pattern with glue and glitter. My question is, how do I do this, even on a polygonal pen?

Do I lather the entire blank? I believe I saw someone somewhere say to use a Popsicle stick to layer it on. If that be the case, how do I get the glitter off of the part that hasn't been grooved, where I do not want it.

Looking forward to your advice.

Thank you all,

I have found that it is much quicker for me if I just make a huge mess when gluing the material in place and turn (if round) or sand (if flat) off the excess. Much quicker than trying to be neat and careful (at least for me).
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