I'm Ready to be Abused Again!

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Activities Manager Emeritus
Mar 18, 2004
Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA.
Since Ken (bitshird) almost swallowed his tongue when I posted a pen, I thought I would try another one. This Black Titanium Jr Gent II roller ball is made, of course, with one of Ken Nelson's great kits. The lady who bought it for her biker boyfriend was ecstatic over it and may give it to him before Christmas. Again, that old CA plastic was used. The dust speck on the cap is extra, and can be wiped off if she prefers. :wink:
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I really think someone hacked Cav's info and is posting for him. Someone should call and let him know that he is being impersonated. (BTW that is a very nice pen)
Operator I need to report an impersonator seems he is going around saying that he's my friend William.
Can't be as he just posted twice in SOYP in 48 hrs. and all know William has never made 2 pens and posted them, BTW this last pen is flaming!
Cav, I'm glad to see you turning pens, that flame blank is delicious, I have another project for Ken so I'm goin to order one of the flame kits to save on shipping, See the placticy stuff is fun, and not to worry, the small incision in your frontal lobe will heal quickly.
looks like you did an excellent job sir.
Since Ken (bitshird) almost swallowed his tongue when I posted a pen, I thought I would try another one. This Black Titanium Jr Gent II roller ball is made, of course, with one of Ken Nelson's great kits. The lady who bought it for her biker boyfriend was ecstatic over it and may give it to him before Christmas. Again, that old CA plastic was used. The dust speck on the cap is extra, and can be wiped off if she prefers. :wink:

Got your spell checker turned off??:wink:
When I heard Cav had posted a flaming pen, I of course assumed that it would have PINK flames! Very nice looking, even in orange! :wink:
That is the last time I mention abuse! :eek::biggrin:

Thanks for the kind and unkind :wink: words.

I would choose to aggressively defend my turning, finishing and photography abilities, but why open myself up to more abuse? :eek::)

Skye, this kit is available at Ken Nelson's site, along with some other amazing kits.

Randy, what did I misspell?

This almost, but not quite, makes me wonder if I should post the rest of the pens?????????
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Nice pen Cav, but who did you swipe it from? No way am i buying that you made it. No not never. you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him eat oats.... no that's not the one I wanted. uh, you can't pull the wool over my eyes unless you knit it into a sweater. That one is still not right but close enough.
Nice pen Cav, but who did you swipe it from? No way am i buying that you made it. No not never. you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him eat oats.... no that's not the one I wanted. uh, you can't pull the wool over my eyes unless you knit it into a sweater. That one is still not right but close enough.

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