I Peeked

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Mar 20, 2006
Ninety Six, SC, USA.
I probably shouldn't be giving everyone a heads up, but, tomorrow's trivia question has a really special prize. You may want to do the research tomorrow in order to get the answer correct. Anyone want to be the triviameister tomorrow so I can have a chance to win this?

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It's a SKOGGER grasshopper. One of the best turning instruments created. Turns M3 like butter. Not to mention it's etched with the IAP logo!!!!

One of the commandments is "Thou shalt not covet............
It's a SKOGGER grasshopper. One of the best turning instruments created. Turns M3 like butter. Not to mention it's etched with the IAP logo!!!!

One of the commandments is "Thou shalt not covet............

Actually, I think that is the WOODCHUCK. I think Ken (bitshird) provided one of the prizes for tomorrow.
It's a SKOGGER grasshopper. One of the best turning instruments created. Turns M3 like butter. Not to mention it's etched with the IAP logo!!!!

One of the commandments is "Thou shalt not covet............

I beg your pardon your incorrectness, It is not a Skogger, It is a Woodchuck, Made in the good old U.S.A. and is a beautifully crafted tool done by myself with the laser talents of Mr. Constant Laubscher of Lazerlinez, and it will as stated turn M3 or Trustone like butter, after it's been microwaved. I just wish I could win it, I'm starting to feel like Frodo with the Ring.
Seriously, I am very happy to donate this trinket to the IAP, with out who's wealth of information I'd still be making silencers ans flash suppressors.
Now I get to make tools to make pretty pens and bowls and get to even make pens, I thought this was the very least I could do for such a great organization.
I beg your pardon your incorrectness, It is not a Skogger, It is a Woodchuck, Made in the good old U.S.A. and is a beautifully crafted tool done by myself with the laser talents of Mr. Constant Laubscher of Lazerlinez, and it will as stated turn M3 or Trustone like butter, after it's been microwaved.

See, in my ignorance I did not know the difference. :confused: Only ever seen one and I guess I couldn't tell the difference. That's why I need it.
Hell, I'll be triviameister for the next month for that prize if you still need one! Pretty easy to come up with some nasty questions around here! I'll check back when I get home this morning. I won't be home till about 8am, but that's plenty of time.
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