I made my first Jr. Emporer!!!

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Sep 2, 2012
Manhattan, IL
...and it lasted 5 minutes. That's how long it tool for my wife to drop it.


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Very nice pen. It does not look round. But sectioned?
Nice crack, I usually get that during the polishing phase. When it bounces off the concert floor.
very nice, and the added crack makes it unique, let her have it!
well i make pens but have given every one away.

I had about 10 pens in a case getting ready to photograph them all. She decided they needed to be moved and I heard a few hit the tile in the kitchen.

I KNEW immediately this pen was one of them. There was just no other way. The other one that broke?

My first Statesman, of course.

I bought the blank (which is absolutely gorgeous by the way- I love it) from Classic Nib. I'm going to ATTEMPT to remove the broken section and recast it.

If THAT doesn't work, then she can have it.:)
Very nice pen. It does not look round. But sectioned?
Nice crack, I usually get that during the polishing phase. When it bounces off the concert floor.

Thank you.

It's abalone shell in clear resin. I did not make the blank myself, I just bought it and turned.
Michael, I think you got that blank from me, a replacement will be in the mail tomorrow, they should not crack until the second bounce!!!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin:.

No no no! You do not have to do that! I was NOT trying to do anything but have a chuckle at my bad luck! The blank is incredible and I have ZERO complaints! My wife dropped it onto a granite floor, RIGHT on the end of the pen. She even cracked a CA finished cocobolo Statesman at the same time! The woman has talent!

This was 100% my (wife's) fault. I'm using her guilt to my advantage right now.:biggrin:
No no no! You do not have to do that! I was NOT trying to do anything but have a chuckle at my bad luck! The blank is incredible and I have ZERO complaints! My wife dropped it onto a granite floor, RIGHT on the end of the pen. She even cracked a CA finished cocobolo Statesman at the same time! The woman has talent!

This was 100% my (wife's) fault. I'm using her guilt to my advantage right now.:biggrin:

Say thank you and move along. You will not win an argument with the generous Italian gentleman.
Say thank you and move along. You will not win an argument with the generous Italian gentleman.

I just feel guilty! I wasn't trying to get anything!

Thank you thank you THANK you Roy! That is an amazing offer, but please do not feel obligated. :redface:
Michael, I think you got that blank from me, a replacement will be in the mail tomorrow, they should not crack until the second bounce!!!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin:.

Roy, that is such good customer service that I have now added you to my favorites bar. Also, that is (was) one gorgeous blank. It's good to know it should make it through the first bounce.:wink:

Back to the pen. Good job with a great blank and hardware. So sorry it did not survive for long. I have not yet turned that pen kit and will correct that oversight in the very near future.
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Michael, as Jon said you can't win as I felt your pain as it hit the floor, now take your transfer punch set take the Emperor Jr. apart, both barrels as the replacement coming will be a slightly different color. And once again the Italian wins:wink::biggrin::tongue:
Michael, I think you got that blank from me, a replacement will be in the mail tomorrow, they should not crack until the second bounce!!!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin:.

No no no! You do not have to do that! I was NOT trying to do anything but have a chuckle at my bad luck! The blank is incredible and I have ZERO complaints! My wife dropped it onto a granite floor, RIGHT on the end of the pen. She even cracked a CA finished cocobolo Statesman at the same time! The woman has talent!

This was 100% my (wife's) fault. I'm using her guilt to my advantage right now.:biggrin:
Michael, as Jon said you can't win as I felt your pain as it hit the floor, now take your transfer punch set take the Emperor Jr. apart, both barrels as the replacement coming will be a slightly different color. And once again the Italian wins:wink::biggrin::tongue:

You are a gentleman and a scholar. I can guarantee I'll be buying more of those blanks, too. I can't thank you enough. That is incredibly kind of you.
That was one beautiful pen and a shame to have such an accident. But, Roy came to the rescue. With customer service like that it is no wonder we buy from him. He is straight up.
Wow, I have to commend the OKLAHOMAN on coming to the rescue like that. There are so many really good and kind people in this hobby, it tends to restores your faith in your fellow man....

..and while I'm at it i'd also like to thank Constance Laubscher for replacing a stars-and-stripes blank that I had sometime back that the stars just would NOT fit into the cutouts on the barrel.
Roy, I dropped my new table saw on the floor....

That's still a gorgeous pen. Roy's offer is outstanding CS.
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