I did not Know

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Feb 22, 2005
Learned something from my brother yesterday (it is rare but do not tell him) He was talking about his sprinkler system and he needed to get some WD40 so the heads pop up easily. He has been doing this for awhile I am guessing because the installer mentioned it to him. I started thinking how does that work because it is mainly water anyway. But he said they make a no water version and is a silicone spray by the same name. It has a black can label and he had to order from Amazon because Home Depot and Lowes do not carry it. So I added my words of info and told him not use on wood tools and avoid finishing items such as paint and varnish with it because those do not like silicone for adhesion. But did learn that wd40 had that. Thought I would pass it on.
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Feb 27, 2019
Stupid me. I feel like I just opened "click bait."

Since I am here, I will comment:

In a way, WD-40 has become a victim of its own success. The company turned "WD-40" into a brand name, with a wide variety of products that say "WD-40" on the label. The problem with doing that is the original WD-40 product and the newer branding overlap, which is causing confusion in the marketplace.

The original WD-40 product does not contain silicone and has a variety of uses. The company makes many other products with many different formulations. That's okay, as long as the customer knows what they are getting. In my opinion, the company has not done a good job making it easy for customers to differentiate the original WD-40 product that everyone knows and understands, and the ever growing list of WD-40 products that are not it.

P.S. Can we come up with more descriptive subject lines, please?


Member Liaison
Feb 6, 2005
Tunica, Mississippi,
I learned a long time ago that wiping a TS table top with WD-40 would keep most paints from adhering or at least cause fish-eye.

That said, my brother in law and his wife decided to refinish an Oak table. She had cleaned it an untold number of times with pledge. Then they removed the old finish and put polyurethane clear on top. FISH EYES every where! When I saw it, the first thing I said, "I'll bet you used pledge on it to clean it in the past." She asked "How did you know?" Me: "Fish Eye".
Apr 25, 2010
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
John, I just spoke with my younger son. The senior service technician at a lawn sprinkler company. His comment was, "sounds like some old heads that need replacement." The way I see it, if the spray works, that's a lot easier than head replacements.

Apr 25, 2010
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Update. Just received a bit more on the subject. My son (sprinkler tech) tells me the Rainbird R-5000 are the best about going back down. Not that they can't stick but are "best on the market in every way."


Feb 22, 2005
Update. Just received a bit more on the subject. My son (sprinkler tech) tells me the Rainbird R-5000 are the best about going back down. Not that they can't stick but are "best on the market in every way."
I believe that is what he uses. I think this is just one of those Maintenace things he does because his sprinkler guy mentioned it to him. He probably at one time had one or more stick on him and he asked about it. Thanks.


Feb 27, 2019
P.S. Can we come up with more descriptive subject lines, please?

What would you like to have seen??
What about ... :
  • Caution: Some WD-40 Branded Products Contain Silicone - Bad for Wood Finishes!
  • Warning: Certain WD-40 Products Should NOT Be in Your Shop!
  • Public Service Announcement: Read Your WD-40 Can Labels Carefully!
  • When WD-40 Isn't WD-40 Anymore ...
  • WD-40 Disappoints Woodworkers with Products that Contain Silicone
  • Has WD-40 Grown Too Big for their Britches?


Feb 22, 2005
What about ... :
  • Caution: Some WD-40 Branded Products Contain Silicone - Bad for Wood Finishes!
  • Warning: Certain WD-40 Products Should NOT Be in Your Shop!
  • Public Service Announcement: Read Your WD-40 Can Labels Carefully!
  • When WD-40 Isn't WD-40 Anymore ...
  • WD-40 Disappoints Woodworkers with Products that Contain Silicone
  • Has WD-40 Grown Too Big for their Britches?
Well pick one and substitute whatever you want. Why do I need to listen to you? If this is the hill you are going to defend count me out.


Feb 27, 2019
Well pick one and substitute whatever you want. Why do I need to listen to you? If this is the hill you are going to defend count me out.
Not my thread. Choose one or make up your own. Nearly any thread title would be more descriptive and helpful than "I did not Know". Please notice that I also provided input above about WD-40.

Listen to me or not. Why not add me to your ignore list? That might help. Whatever you may do does not make the subject of this thread any more informative about its actual content. That's true regardless of whether the topic is WD-40 or poor choice of subject titles.
Last edited:


Feb 22, 2005
Not my thread. Choose one or make up your own. Nearly any thread title would be more descriptive and helpful than "I did not Know". Please notice that I also provided input above about WD-40.

Listen to me or not. Why not add me to your ignore list? That might help. Whatever you may do does not make the subject of this thread any more informative about its actual content. That's true regardless of whether the topic is WD-40 or poor choice of subject titles.
Have to ask, why did you choose this thread to bring this up? Is it because of who started it which is me or do you have another agenda? Just look through the casual conversation forum here and see many other cryptic thread starters. At times this is a tactic used here to get others to read the thread that maybe they would not normally read. Whatever the reason I find it comical that you are making a big deal out of this. Maybe this is a petpeeve of yours and you are voicing that. Anyway it took you more time to write these replys than it did to read the initial posting. I am sorry if my content is not informative for you. It was an observation that I became aware of from an experience that happened to me. But you continue on and find faults if you prefer. Let me use your own words in reverse and that is if you do not like what I post just add me to your ignore list and all goes away. But have a good day. Now day means 24 hours long. Good is the opposite of bad.


Feb 27, 2019
Have to ask, why did you choose this thread to bring this up? Is it because of who started it which is me or do you have another agenda? Just look through the casual conversation forum here and see many other cryptic thread starters. At times this is a tactic used here to get others to read the thread that maybe they would not normally read. Whatever the reason I find it comical that you are making a big deal out of this. Maybe this is a petpeeve of yours and you are voicing that. Anyway it took you more time to write these replys than it did to read the initial posting. I am sorry if my content is not informative for you. It was an observation that I became aware of from an experience that happened to me. But you continue on and find faults if you prefer. Let me use your own words in reverse and that is if you do not like what I post just add me to your ignore list and all goes away. But have a good day. Now day means 24 hours long. Good is the opposite of bad.
Let's be clear. You created this thread. When I visited the site that day, it appeared in my list of threads with new posts. I made comments in my original reply about the subject title of this thread, which you can see in post #2, above. I stand by my statements. My subsequent posts in this thread were responses to your questions. I am not picking on you and it is not personal. This follow-on side discussion is ONLY about the thread subject title.

Why this thread when there are other threads here with poor subject titles? That's a reasonable question and I have no perfect answer. At the time, I saw the thread subject and reluctantly opened it, thinking that it might be someone who needed pen turning help. Once I saw the content, I felt that I had been "click-baited" by an ambiguous subject title and was annoyed. It should be plain and obvious to most people that "I did not Know" says nothing about the content of this thread. To me, the ambiguity of the subject line felt deliberately misleading - designed to get people like me to click on the thread when they would otherwise skip it. That's why I commented in my post #2 above. After that, you asked questions and I responded. When you have no more questions, I will stop answering them.


Feb 22, 2005
Well here are a couple more questions for you and chose to answer or not makes no difference to me because I find this all amusing. 445 views and only a couple people chose to reply which is understandable. They looked at it and moved on and yet you chose to highlight your dislike of the subject title. You too could have moved on and never click on it again but here you are drawn back each and everytime and causing this topic to move to the top of the new post line. You do know that this topic was posted in the casual conversation forum where probably 99.95% topics are not pen related so right there you should know this was not going to be a pen related question. But again as you read the other forums and even this one just circle the other ambiguous titles and ask yourself why they did not hit that annoyed button of yours and just mine did. There are a few right now out there but it did not warrant this response. Strange as this may be I am done with this silly nonsense. You can have the last word if you choose. Your comments did not sway me one way or other for I probably will do it again. As I said the remedy for you is put me on your ignore list and all goes away. And again have a great day if you can. ;)


Jul 17, 2017
Bristow, IN
I, for one, am interested in anything John says he doesn't know. It's a rare event. šŸ˜

I honestly believe John was simply sharing something he did not know was available as a good thing as well as the risks associated with silicone oils in the wood shop.

Pretty innocuous overall.

It is obvious that mystery member penicillin has issues with WD-40. The title of the thread is irrelevant for this discussion in particular. I checked, have a can on the silicone based WD-40, understood it doesn't play well with others and moved on.

The only reason I chose to respond is because John is perfectly capable of starting controversy but this sure as heck is not one and I am just as amused by the thread as he is.


Feb 27, 2019
Final response:

John is a good guy and a good contributor here. There is no doubt about that.

I have no issues with WD-40. I never had a problem with it or confusion about the labels. I have not bought any of their non-WD-40 products, but have equivalents from other brands. I am careful about keeping silicone lubricants out of the shop.

About Me:
Mystery member penicillin is just another penturner. The pens I make are gifts. I turn other projects besides pens, and do general woodworking as well. I am here to help others and share penturning experience to "pass it on." There are other aspects of my life that are not related to penturning and good reasons to keep them compartmentalized. Please don't tell my parole officer, the station chief, the dean of the college, or my CO that I secretly turn pens for fun.


Lead Moderator
Staff member
Aug 4, 2007
middle of nowhere in the great, white North
I'm glad everyone's back in their corners. :)

Serious question - why do people water their grass, just so they can cut it again? I like it when it gets all crunchy and nastified - less mowing time!

If they made an astroturf lawn that was deer-waste proof (we have a lot of deer), I'd be ripping out my sod tomorrow! Plus, I could pretend I was playing in centre field for the Blue Jays (one of the last artificial turfs in baseball).
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