I am knew here so please to meet You

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Mar 12, 2016
France - Ardèche
Lectori Salutem
For about seven years ago somebody (Michel DEFOUR, lives in Rocoule 43) showed me how to turn wood and I fell in love for the second time on a legal base outside marriage.
Glad as I am as I found this group of penturners able to improve myself.
Recently perchased a Nova Comet II with the G3 chuck.
Preparing a question for this midi lathe i'll find the proper subject-thread later on.
With all regards from the Ardèche - France, L A
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Merci beaucoup

Thanks You very much for all the welcome messages :good:.
At the same time this is an eye-opener fot all the oppertunetys for the future.
That is to say, imagen after a few years my wife and I would like to visite over sees, the number of adresses to visite :)
Any way thank You and I'm looking forwearth to future exchanges of mutual experiance.
With best regards from the Ardèche - France, L A
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