Honoring our commitments

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Nov 23, 2006
McIntosh, Florida, USA.
Some of you know I run a program called ServicePens.
For those who don't, please see this link: http://www.penturners.org/forum/f70/servicepens-2013-a-98908/

Life Happens!
We all understand life happens. Health, the economy, family, et al impose changes and challenges on things we planned to do.
Some of us have had life happens this past year.
Some of us committed to make pens for ServicePens and purchased or received free kits and/or blanks to make the pens.

Then, life happened.
The pens didn't make it. They didn't get made, or they didn't get finished.

At the beginning of ServicePens 2013, NYWoodturner posted a suggestion that I include a shared tally sheet because "what gets measured gets fixed."
I've been keeping a spreadsheet on Google Drive:


I didn't do a great job keeping the spreadsheet up to date as often as I should have.
I truly understand Life happens.
I have all the delivered pens listed; I probably don't have all the commitments listed.
David Newbern viewed the spreadsheet and saw what I'd been seeing, Life Happens.

David has graciously offered to complete the pens for our Servicemen and women for those who don't or won't have time.
He and his daughter would be more than happy to turn these kits into pens for you--for our Servicemen and women.

If you have kits or incomplete pens from these purchases, please evaluate your situation and commit to finish and deliver them now for ServicePens 2014
or send them to someone who will.

If you've purchased kits from Smitty or Ed4Copies for ServicePens and you can't complete them or had a Life Happens event, please consider contacting David Newbern (OldMan5050): http://www.penturners.org/forum/member.php?u=3818
about sending him the kits to fulfill the commitment.

Thank you.
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