Hi from N Georgia

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Oct 7, 2021
Hi Everyone,

Came across this forum when doing some searches about small lathes. No experience making pens, but it is something I'm interested in learning about, along with general wood turning. I collect straight razors and have worked on a few so I appreciate the work that goes into shaping/finishing/fitting small blanks. Been so busy the last few....years, it would be nice if I could find time to make some stuff. :)
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Cheers and welcome from Ohio. There are a some here that are into straight razors. Be well and have FUN!
Thanks. Those fountain pen display cases (and other things) get used for razors so I see pens mentioned sometimes on the razor forums . I made a set of scales with a CA finish years ago and it looks like that is pretty common for wood pens.
Greetings from Nebraska and welcome to the forum. A word of warning, turning pens can become an addiction! (At least it has for several of the members). - Dave
Greetings from Nebraska and welcome to the forum. A word of warning, turning pens can become an addiction! (At least it has for several of the members). - Dave

Dave speaks the truth. This hobby is quite the rabbit hole. 🤠 Enjoy!
I really got into razors several years ago, so I don't doubt it. I need to do some research on pen designs. Maybe I push too hard, but twist pens always close when I'm writing so I've never been fond of that design. Not sure if the nice fountain pens are LH friendly. I'll have to see. Maybe I'll look into a kit for a bolt action or something along those lines.
Maybe I push too hard, but twist pens always close when I'm writing so I've never been fond of that design.
I agree. One solution is to eliminate the center band and have the pen open and close by twisting the tip. This solved the problem for me.

Instructions to do this:

2021-05-05 Redheart and Crosscut Palm 001 (1024x768).jpg
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