Hi from Ireland

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Jan 7, 2017

I'm a very amateur woodworker and have just recently discovered the joys of pen turning. I use a family member's garage workshop and only get a chance to do some turning once or twice a month - I would love to be able to do more.

Already learnt a lot from the forum - such a wealth of resource here that has been built up, thanks to all the contributors.

I've turned 6 or 7 pens so far and now I've gotten the first couple out of my system I'll start concentrating on technique and practicing on scraps for a while! I'll take a few pictures and upload them in the next few days.

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Welcome from Medina, Ohio!

I was fortunate enough to be "needed" to chaperone my wife a few months past (Fall 2016) - Flew in to Dublin, met her in Belfast, drove/sightseed to Derry, went on to Galway, checked out Kilkenny and Clara Bog, bock to Dublin for 2 days.

Incredible scenery. It was a pleasure to drive though the country-side and see the sights. If I could go back, I would save an extra day in both Galway and Derry. Both cities were wonderful - as were the locals!

Cheers, Mark
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