Hello From Pine Island

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Mar 11, 2008
Pine Island, Texas, USA.
Hello from Corky at the “Pine Island Pen Worksâ€, a fancy name for a newborn business(actually, the name business is probably a misnomer at this stage). For the geographically challenged, Pine Island is about 45 miles west of Houston a little south of Highway 290 on the way to Austin,

I may not be the oldest newby at IAP, but I’ll bet that I'm pretty close. I made my first pen last December and will be 80 at the end of March.

I wanted to say thanks to the members of the group who post tutorials in the library and tips and explanations on the forums. I have learned a lot from just browsing through the site for the last couple of months.

Don’t laugh, but I could not justify (afford) buying a fancy lathe just to try making pens so I built the “Po’ Folks†lathe from an old electric motor, some 2 X 4 and odd pieces of hardware. It is really bare bones and although it is limited, I have learned a lot using it and it proves you can do a lot of things if you want it bad enough. A picture and a drawing of my lathe is on my web site.

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I just visited your site. From the lathe you made to the pens that came from it, you are an inspiration to us all. Thanks for joining and for sharing your story.
Welcome Corky from Washington State!!

I admire your ingenuity and wise use of resources!!! I've had to use simpler methods for some of my penturning including making spiral pens, by using a small rasp by hand instead of a Legacy, Mill Lathe, or other piece of equipment designed for that task. Of course I'd like that piece of equipment, but I think I've learned more by learning to do it by hand.

I look forward to your sharing here!!:)
Welcome from NE Florida!! I like the pic and instructions of your homemade lathe. Now you've got another that might just make a fine lathe to do your buffing on... good luck and many more years of turning!!!
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