Hello from Kansas

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Aug 2, 2009
Milford, KS
Hello to all
I had decided to start turning pens, but after reading the "If I had known this earlier..." thread I have changed my mind, so, see ya later....:biggrin:
Almost 43, married guy, living in Milford, KS. 3 Kids, 3 dogs and a desire to make some pens.
Probably 9 years or so ago my wife and I were at a craft show and I came across a gentleman who was a pen turner and was at the show selling his pens, being a pen nut in general I was interested and ended up purchasing one of his pens. I don't remember what I paid for it, I'm sure it wasn't much. He explained the pen turning process and we talked for awhile. I left thinking I would love to learn how to turn pens some day. I still have that pen, it sits on my desk in the clear top box he gave me with the pen. Every once in awhile Ill take it out of the box, give it a few twists, doodle a little bit on a pad of paper then put it back in its box. I believe its just a Slimline or some similar model but its so much more to me. I wish I would have written down the turners name.
I am in the shopping/research stage now and IAP seems to be the place to
get the info I need to make wise purchases. I hope to one day turn a pen that someone would care enough about to keep for 10 yrs.

This is a great forum and I look forward to learning from you all.

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Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
Hello to all
I had decided to start turning pens, but after reading the "If I had known this earlier..." thread I have changed my mind, so, see ya later....:biggrin:
Almost 43, married guy, living in Milford, KS. 3 Kids, 3 dogs and a desire to make some pens.
Probably 9 years or so ago my wife and I were at a craft show and I came across a gentleman who was a pen turner and was at the show selling his pens, being a pen nut in general I was interested and ended up purchasing one of his pens. I don't remember what I paid for it, I'm sure it wasn't much. He explained the pen turning process and we talked for awhile. I left thinking I would love to learn how turn pens some day. I still have that pen, it sits on my desk in the clear top box he gave me with the pen. Every once in awhile Ill take it out of the box, give it a few twists, doodle a little bit on a pad of paper then put it back in its box. I believe its just a Slimline or some similar model but its so much more to me. I wish I would have written down the turners name.
I am in the shopping/research stage now and IAP seems to be the place to
get the info I need to make wise purchases. I hope to one day turn a pen that someone would care enough about to keep for 10 yrs.

This is a great forum and I look forward to learning from you all.

Uh, Danny as per the highlighted, when you find that info about making wise purchases, would you be so kind as to directing me to it?:biggrin: Welcome from Texas.
Hi Danny, welcome to IAP from an ex-Kansas citizen (Cimarron) and a fellow Noo b. I have been doing this for just a little while and find it really rewarding. I have some pens I will not sell and do hope to keep them for more than 10 years.

Jump in, the water is just fine.
Welcome Danny! Hope you enjoy this forum. Like you, I started looking a pen turning long before I started. It took me 10 years of looking before I bought any pen turning kits or tools.

Welcome Danny from PA! There is enough info here to make your head spin and a lot of good people to help you sort it out.

Hi Danny
welcome to the group from another Jayhawker (Eureka). Well I'm an ex-Jayhawker now in California. This place is filled with great info. can't wait to see some of your work.
Hi Danny

This is a great forum - some pretty clever people here.

There are at least 3 active forum members here from Wichita - if you need any help please contact me - I've made about every mistake you can make - and might be able to save you some grieve.

Good luck.

Welcome from Salina, ks. This is a great bunch to learn from and it seems like new ideas are cropping up every day.
Thank you for such a warm welcome!! I am enjoying searching through the site and have found many great tips and Ideas on equipment and getting the right things I need to get started.

thanks again

Hey great, anouther Danny from Kansas. I was born there and lived the first 10 years of my life in the south west corner of the state. then it was hoping back and forth between Reno and Manhattan where my father has a 20 acre farm. I pretty much ran that farm as well as my own Hog operation. Until I was 16, moved to Reno with that training under my belt and found out that the city slickers really are easier to seperate from their money. So I have never left. I miss it back there though and still have a lot of family living there. I may be in the neighborhood as I do go back to visit from time to time.

Enjoy the jouney in penturning. It is a lot of fun or alot of work, whichever you want to make of it.
Thanks again for the warm welcomes. Daniel, if you make it back to the area holler, im just dont the road from Manhattan and spend a lot of time there.
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