Hello from Idaho

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Nov 9, 2012
Ammon, Idaho
Hi There,

I'm new to this place (found it last night). I don't own a lathe...yet. I'm looking to expand my hobbies and my business. I hope turning will allow me to do just that. I haven't used a lathe in many years but I'm a quick study and I like to jump in with both feet. I look forward to learning from each one of you!

Take care!
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Glad to have you. Just a warning the pen turning hobbie is very addictive. I'm always looking for something to make a pen out of and sometimes it drives my wife crazier. I think she was a little nuts when we met. One quick question your a long ways from Dallas how did you become a Cowboys fan? Good luck in your new hobbie.
Glad to have you. Just a warning the pen turning hobbie is very addictive. I'm always looking for something to make a pen out of and sometimes it drives my wife crazier. I think she was a little nuts when we met. One quick question your a long ways from Dallas how did you become a Cowboys fan? Good luck in your new hobbie.

I'm always looking for something to drive my wife crazy. As far as the Cowboys go? I was young and impressionable and now I live with a curse that I just can't shake! LOL :bulgy-eyes:
It's almost like family. While we sit back in our armchairs and watch the "Boys" loose the game we screem and yell. Let someone outside say something and we get all upset. What a game.
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