Hearing Aids

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Jul 2, 2009
BC. Canada
Hello everyone, I am a newbie when it comes to HA , going into my 3rd year. Since having my first and only pair the technology has come leaps and bounds since mine. I have been offered a 30day trial from my provider on the NEW Oticon More . Oticon is what I have now.
So my questions are to anyone out there with these new Oticon More is
1- "do you really like them"
2- "are they much better than you old ones"
3- " how much were they in USA or Canada.
My provider has offered them to me for $8700.00 with $1500.00 for repeat customer so that's $7200.00 Canadian to me.
Thats like 2 powermatic lathes. Lol 😳😳
Just saying.
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Feb 22, 2005
Now I do not wear HA and know nothing of your question but what amazes me and you hear this alot is the price is so high. Why can we make a TV set that is 80+ inches for less than a $1000 but can not make something this small for less than that. Phones are another example and the list can go on. What gives??


Mar 9, 2014
I have no experience with any (yet), but we bought my MIL (92) a Costco pair for $1600 and she loves them. I think you can return them before 6 months. Again, not the brand you are interested in (but I thought the price my pique your interest).

Kenny Durrant

Sep 11, 2012
Sachse Tx. 75048
Not familiar with your brand but as far as price goes I can tell you what I have. The brand I have is Oticon. These are supposed to be the strongest HA I can get without special surgery. My left ear has a standard HA but my right ear is so bad my doctor suggested that I get a HA that picks up sound and transfers it over to my left side. It was an bout half the price of the left. Total they were $4800. I hear better with these because they're stronger, I think, and a nice feature is that my phone will connect to then through Bluetooth. Now I don't have to hold the phone up behind my ear, because that's where the HA is, so not only can I hear better so can the person I'm talking to because I can hold the phone in front of me. The drawback is when my HA is connected I can't hear anything except my phone. For those that don't have to use these devices they are worse than wearing glasses. If your not familiar with wearing those then you need to count your blessing everyday. HA are like the old stereo systems. There's a microphone, receiver and a speaker. Dirt and especially moisture plays havoc with these things. When I say moisture I mean any at all. In the heat of the summer some places will put up misters to help people stay cool in the heat. I've had that knock them out and when I sweat it seems that it goes straight behind my ears. One small drop of sweat will knock them out for a few hours.


Jul 2, 2009
BC. Canada
I have no experience with any (yet), but we bought my MIL (92) a Costco pair for $1600 and she loves them. I think you can return them before 6 months. Again, not the brand you are interested in (but I thought the price my pique your interest).
Tony yes they do have great prices and when I got my first pair my provider matched Costco price. And as you said they don't carry this brand. But they did at one time.


Jul 2, 2009
BC. Canada
Not familiar with your brand but as far as price goes I can tell you what I have. The brand I have is Oticon. These are supposed to be the strongest HA I can get without special surgery. My left ear has a standard HA but my right ear is so bad my doctor suggested that I get a HA that picks up sound and transfers it over to my left side. It was an bout half the price of the left. Total they were $4800. I hear better with these because they're stronger, I think, and a nice feature is that my phone will connect to then through Bluetooth. Now I don't have to hold the phone up behind my ear, because that's where the HA is, so not only can I hear better so can the person I'm talking to because I can hold the phone in front of me. The drawback is when my HA is connected I can't hear anything except my phone. For those that don't have to use these devices they are worse than wearing glasses. If your not familiar with wearing those then you need to count your blessing everyday. HA are like the old stereo systems. There's a microphone, receiver and a speaker. Dirt and especially moisture plays havoc with these things. When I say moisture I mean any at all. In the heat of the summer some places will put up misters to help people stay cool in the heat. I've had that knock them out and when I sweat it seems that it goes straight behind my ears. One small drop of sweat will knock them out for a few hours.
I have Oticon. 😳😳😳😳


Jul 4, 2007
TX, NM or on the road
I am a disabled veteran, my hearing loss is service connected, and I have had hearing aids for 5 decades. The behind the ear are better than in the ear versions. My current ones are Oticon, the BTE type, (BTE is "behind the ear"), compared to even 5 years ago, these are AMAZING. Cost, I don't know.


Jan 3, 2020
Webster, NY
First HAs were Starkey. Good but some time ago and they were only 8 channel (frequency bands). Then I inherited about 4 years ago my current pair that are 16 channel and improved hearing. These are from Miracle Ear and heard that they were $6K new (out of my league). Looking to upgrade and researching Lively Hearing Aids - an on-line service (https://www.listenlively.com/) with support by hearing professionals. Prices seem much better than what I can get locally. Regarding Costco, good pricing but there is no audio professional support and some features in their branded HAs are turned off because of not having the professional support - you have to get that on your own.

As mentioned above, the issue with hearing is not like getting glasses and having exceptional resolution - 20/20 vision. With hearing the issue is understanding the spoken word. One hears the spoken word (to some level) but there is a disconnect in the brain actually being able to interpret what was said. Add tinnitis (various ringing, buzzing etc.) and the problem with interpretation is compounded. Increasing the volume is not usually the solution unless it's targeted in the poorer frequency ranges with other technical advances that some of the newer HAs have today. It's not fun!

Good luck on whatever path you take.


Jul 2, 2009
BC. Canada
First HAs were Starkey. Good but some time ago and they were only 8 channel (frequency bands). Then I inherited about 4 years ago my current pair that are 16 channel and improved hearing. These are from Miracle Ear and heard that they were $6K new (out of my league). Looking to upgrade and researching Lively Hearing Aids - an on-line service (https://www.listenlively.com/) with support by hearing professionals. Prices seem much better than what I can get locally. Regarding Costco, good pricing but there is no audio professional support and some features in their branded HAs are turned off because of not having the professional support - you have to get that on your own.

As mentioned above, the issue with hearing is not like getting glasses and having exceptional resolution - 20/20 vision. With hearing the issue is understanding the spoken word. One hears the spoken word (to some level) but there is a disconnect in the brain actually being able to interpret what was said. Add tinnitis (various ringing, buzzing etc.) and the problem with interpretation is compounded. Increasing the volume is not usually the solution unless it's targeted in the poorer frequency ranges with other technical advances that some of the newer HAs have today. It's not fun!

Good luck on whatever path you take.
Well apparently these new Oticon More have a technology called brain learning technology and apparently leaps and bounds in their design. I think they said they programmed 200 million sounds with a 360 deg microphone. It will be interesting. No doubt.
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