I saw Mark's Harley pen and I wanted to try it. I haven't done much resin casting and I don't have a vacuum chamber setup yet. I'm moderately pleased with how this turned out. It had an air bubble right in the O in motor, the sticker ended up with these weird creases after the resin set, and the very bottom of the pen turned out lopsided. I'm wondering if I didn't mix the resin thoroughly enough or something. Live and learn I guess...... I'm going to try alumalite next.
Also, Mark, I hope you're not offended that I tried to copy your pen. I saw it and loved it so much I wanted to see if I could do something close. I mean no disrespect in mimicry!

Also, Mark, I hope you're not offended that I tried to copy your pen. I saw it and loved it so much I wanted to see if I could do something close. I mean no disrespect in mimicry!