Harley Pen (inspired by Mark @ Hobble Creek)

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Jan 19, 2015
Maple Glen, PA
I saw Mark's Harley pen and I wanted to try it. I haven't done much resin casting and I don't have a vacuum chamber setup yet. I'm moderately pleased with how this turned out. It had an air bubble right in the O in motor, the sticker ended up with these weird creases after the resin set, and the very bottom of the pen turned out lopsided. I'm wondering if I didn't mix the resin thoroughly enough or something. Live and learn I guess...... I'm going to try alumalite next.

Also, Mark, I hope you're not offended that I tried to copy your pen. I saw it and loved it so much I wanted to see if I could do something close. I mean no disrespect in mimicry!

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Great looking pen. I think you did a great job with the casting. Look forward to seeing your next one. Would love to have a Harley Blank. Great job again.
It was a larger Harley sticker I got on ebay I had to cut down to fit. The orange is just a rough cut strip of fishing lure Tape. If you look at my post of 30cal and scepter the other bolt action pen has the same orange tape.
Awesome job Ryan!

Beautiful pen Ryan! ...To answer your question, I'm not offended one single bit. I don't claim to be the first to do anything, and in my mind, once it's posted on the internet it becomes public domain. Go for it!

...I've been so busy lately, I barely have enough time to surf the IAP...that's why it took me so long to reply.:wink:

I'm fairly certain you found it was not an easy task...Yes? No?
so far my resin casting has been about 50/50. this one is hard to see but in the first and last pictures you can see in the very middle of Harley it looks cracked. the sticker I used like turned into a shrink dink as the resin set. I was super bummed... I do however love the fishing lure tape. it's been flawless and really easy to use. ebony ruf and buff is the key to making a good design great in my opinion. thanks for the kind words!
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