Hand Tools & Supplies Review Guidelines

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Product Reviews Manager
Aug 19, 2007
Fairfield, CT, USA.
Full Product Reviews and Mini Reviews
Product reviews may take the form of either a Full Review or a Mini Review. Generally speaking, a Full Review entails a comprehensive review of the item. Mini Reviews are, by nature, much shorter in length and provide information in a succinct manner. All reviewers should clearly state any vested interest that they may have in the item being reviewed. For example, "my brother-in-law owns the company"; or, "the manufacturer sent the tool to me for free or at a discount". While vendors may wish to join in the discussion of their products, they will not be permitted to write initial reviews. Follow up Posts
Members are encouraged to follow up the Full Product Reviews or Mini Reviews with posts relating their experience with the product. Or, a member may wish to ask follow up questions of the reviewer. Follow up posts are welcome in that they add to the richness of the review by providing additional dimension of thought.

If you would like some assistance, Wolftat will be pleased to help you in preparing a Full Product Review. Feel free to contact him for help!

Monitoring of the Forum

The Product Review Forum Moderator will monitor the forum for any reviews, comments, or posts that are offensive or objectionable in nature. Care will be taken to ensure that the IAP Acceptable Use Policy is followed.

Hand Tools and Supplies
Full Reviews will generally cover the following topics.
1. The manufacturer's description of the tool and the use for which it was designed.
2. Cost of the tool; suggested retail cost and your actual cost
3. Assembly instructions – accuracy of the instructions, ease of assembly, your experience in assembling the tool.
4. Photographs of the tool.
5. Use of the tool
6. Your objective evaluation of the tool's worth.
7. Your subjective evaluation of the tool.
Is it a good value?
Does it meet your expectations?
8. Your bottom line evaluation of the tool. In a sentence or two, tell the reader your overall thoughts regarding the tool. Is it worth buying?
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