Guess I have a new hobby.

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Oct 28, 2008
So I went to a woodworking show a couple weeks ago and my wife accompanied me. Craft Supply USA had a booth set up where you could turn a pen for free and they would help you do it. My wife, who has never done any woodworking ever, decided that she wanted to try it. She had so much fun and was so proud of the pen that she made that we are now starting to buy the things we need to turn pens. I had previously been avoiding turning because it was more tools that I really didn't have the money to buy, but oh well, it it gets her out in the shop with me it will be worth it.

About me, I am a full time student and a member of the National Guard. I used to do a lot of woodworking and have been working on getting the tools to get back into it.
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Welcome. Now, does your wife have her own lathe and stash of wood???:eek:
I was in SLC the last weekend in Oct and there was a show there; but didn't have the time to get to it. To many other commitments. :frown:
Welcome. Now, does your wife have her own lathe and stash of wood???:eek:
I was in SLC the last weekend in Oct and there was a show there; but didn't have the time to get to it. To many other commitments. :frown:

That was the show. It was pretty good, I picked some router bits and templates for making raised panel doors at a substantial savings.

No she doesn't have her own wood and lathe, yet. In fact so far neither of us does. One of the local woodworking companies has a tool show in two weeks and they told me that their JET mini lathes are usually $50 off so I will get a lathe then. I will most likely have to prepare her blanks for her until she becomes comfortable enough with the tools to prepare her own. The lathe is very non threatening to her and I think that is why she was so excited to try it. The rest of the power tools are a different story however.
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Welcome to the...ahem! "Hobby" (laughing quietly to myself) Oh folks he has no idea does he?
Seriously, I think it is a great thing that your wife is not intimidated by the lathe. But do be careful because it is a little bit of a deceptive thing. Lathes do not scream, grind, belch and attempt to cast evil on you like other pieces of shop equipment. they sort of purr and look all Innocent. but they can bite. Just make sure your wife knows that there is a whole other education she needs if and when she starts thinking about larger turnings. and not all that much larger either. Pens for the most part are pretty safe. make a mistake and you get a good startle but I have not heared of a lot of injuries from wood coming off the lathe while turning pens. blanks will "Blow Out" so wear eye protection of course. I hope she has a great time it could be the first small step of many in loosing her fear of the rest of the shop.
Welcome to you and your wife.

Most of us here are 'loners' when we get out in our shops. You have a second set of hands that will definitely increase the need for a second lathe, probably sooner than later!

Just ask those here that share with their significant other and you will find that sooner or later a second lathe is a necessity ... I trust you are really good friends with your local folks in the bank, especially in the loan department.

It ain't all that bad, but it can be. One word of advice - Buy the best that you can afford early on - especially in equipment. This will prevent you from having to "up-grade" if and when you want to turn larger wood blanks.

Have fun and enjoy your new hobby, both of you! :biggrin:
Seriously, I think it is a great thing that your wife is not intimidated by the lathe. But do be careful because it is a little bit of a deceptive thing. Lathes do not scream, grind, belch and attempt to cast evil on you like other pieces of shop equipment. they sort of purr and look all Innocent. but they can bite. Just make sure your wife knows that there is a whole other education she needs if and when she starts thinking about larger turnings. and not all that much larger either. Pens for the most part are pretty safe. make a mistake and you get a good startle but I have not heared of a lot of injuries from wood coming off the lathe while turning pens. blanks will "Blow Out" so wear eye protection of course. I hope she has a great time it could be the first small step of many in loosing her fear of the rest of the shop.

We are going to get her the full size tools not the shorter pen turning ones to give her the extra leverage of the longer handle and she is getting a full face shield. It will protect her and she has asthma so it helps keep the dust out of her lungs. We will also talk about things like loose clothing and hair and to always respect the machine. If there are any other less known dangers please post them up I am totally new to turning.

Welcome and as Bruce said, thank you for your service.

Thanks guys I appreciate it.

You have a second set of hands that will definitely increase the need for a second lathe, probably sooner than later!

Just ask those here that share with their significant other and you will find that sooner or later a second lathe is a necessity ... I trust you are really good friends with your local folks in the bank, especially in the loan department.

I will probably work more with my regular woodworking and use the lathe when she is not around, and if not, she works at the credit union.:biggrin:

It ain't all that bad, but it can be. One word of advice - Buy the best that you can afford early on - especially in equipment. This will prevent you from having to "up-grade" if and when you want to turn larger wood blanks.

Have fun and enjoy your new hobby, both of you! :biggrin:

I am going to buy one of the JET mini lathes the larger one if I can afford it the smaller one if not. I am seriously space limited and since neither one of us has ever done any turning and will most likely stick to pens and other small things for the time being I don't want to get anything larger than a mini lathe.

Welcome to you and your wife, some times I wish she were into it, but mostly I like the solitude(though noisy) of my shop.
Not to argue this point but I am very much the opposite. I would be in my shop much more if my family would be there also. at least some of them. When I do get into my shop I am constantly running back and forth between it and the house. To many years of the noises of a household.
Welcome Wayne. I live up in Midvale not far from you. A fellow penturning neighbor and friend may be moving close to you, his company is pressuring him to move. If I can help with anything please pm me. What problems would you have, CSUSA is right next door to you. (Figuratively speaking).
Welcome Wayne. I live up in Midvale not far from you. A fellow penturning neighbor and friend may be moving close to you, his company is pressuring him to move. If I can help with anything please pm me. What problems would you have, CSUSA is right next door to you. (Figuratively speaking).
Thanks for the offer I may take you up on it when I get the tools up and running. I have been meaning to stop by the CSUSA showroom.
Welcome, you are already way ahead to get your wife involved. She will want all the new stuff coming out so you can blame her.
Thanks for oyur work in the Guard, stay safe
Welcome, you are already way ahead to get your wife involved. She will want all the new stuff coming out so you can blame her.
Thanks for oyur work in the Guard, stay safe

Actually I can blame her. I would not have gotten involved if not for her.
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