Does anyone want to work on doing a collaboration for the Birthday Bash? Read the thread and say what you think.
Sounds like a great idea!
I think we should go for as much of a "collaboration" as possible, meaning as many different parts done by as many different people as possible. My ideas would be:
-Accent peices in the blank
-Anybody make custom parts? A clip or centerband maybe.
-photography (...Greg)
I could help with a box (I assume that wouldn't be made at the meeting). I could also supply blanks or any of my various materials(horn, pickguard, inlace, bits of trustone, alt. ivory, etc.), or maybe come up with some segmenting. I can also turn, finish, whatever. It would be cool to segment together different peices from different people.
Anybody who is interested in helping with this, please post with what you may be able to help with.
but just typing this sentence has raised a question in my mind - who gets the pen when it's done? I'm thinking donating it would resolve a lot of potential fights.
Daniel, we can't look at woods at the meeting because the meeting is scheduled for AFTER the pen is due.
Anyone else want to do it to spread the joy and increase the diameter of the collaboration?