"Green Beer Bog"

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Aug 7, 2007
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.
I've been up to my knickers in milling and selling blanks, but I finally took some time to turn a few pens. Almost forgot how much fun it is! :)

This is one of the limited edition "Earth Casts" I did last week for St. Patrick's day, called "Green Beer Bog". I only made 5 of them, and one of them was a little 'runtier' than the others when I was done trimming it up, so I figured I'd turn it into something! It's wormy, flame box elder burl and green-dyed Spanish moss with translucent green pearlized resin.

I was very happy with how it turned, I've been getting really good resin saturation in the wood, so it was pretty much just like turning a stabilized blank.

Black Chrome Euro Designer kit is from Ernie. I polished it out to 12K, then a layer of CA/BLO, then 2 coats of straight CA, polished back out to 12K MM followed by Ren wax. :)



Thanks for looking, comments/questions always welcome! :D
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Awesome job! Very unique looking pen with the box elder cast blank.
The fit and finish turned out perfect and I like the picture in the mirror. Great effect.

Thanks for sharing this one with us.
Excellent Karl, as the others said nice fit and finish and a great pic.
I was lucky enough to get first pick of these when you posted them, after seeing this I bet all of them will be great! [:p]
If that's the runt of the litter, I can't wait to see how the others turn out. You're doing some very nice work with the worthless wood Karl.
Originally posted by arjudy

That is a great pen. I can't wait to get the blanks I ordered this past week!

:D Soon, soon! Those pine cones are kicking my tail. I've definitely sold the last one that I'm going to sell for $14, there's just too much work and too many steps involved. Ugh!
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