Granite Sign by Stonepecker

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Jim Smith

Jul 27, 2008
Lakeland, FL
A while back I inquired if there were any sign makers here on IAP. Wayne Winkleman, aka Stonepecker stepped up and offered to make me a sign out of solid granite. He does beautiful work! He did get a bit of practice though, since FedEx broke the first two signs in transit. Stonepecker is VERY persistent and kept making them and shipping them to me until one finally arrived unbroken. I made the wooden frame/posts and it now sits in my back yard explaining to people who like to park in the Cul-De-Sac (on my grass) and spread out across my back yard to fish all day and into the evening. They don't live in the neighborhood, and they sometimes even give my wife a hard time if she asks them to leave, so I thought I'd try to help them understand that it is private property. Anyway, I wanted to post this photo to share the beautiful work Stonepecker does and if you ever want a really special sign made out of a beautiful slab of granite, he is definitely the guy to call. Sorry for the poor picture quality, photography is really not my thing.

Thanks again Wayne, I really appreciate your beautiful work (and your perseverance).

Jim Smith
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Oct 29, 2012
central Minnesota
Thanks for the "shout out" Jim. And Thank you for understanding the problems with FedEx........Now if I can just collect on the insurance I paid for. The last packing for this sign was a nightmare. Styro-foam all the way around and then build the creat to fit.
FedEx has been a great customer this summer........They have broken a total of 7 signs so far.

Great looking posts Jim. Much better then the simple one I sent you the drawing of.
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