GOOD NEWS !!!!!!!!!!

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Jan 3, 2011
Wittmann AZ
Hi guys and gals,

I got to bring Linda home from the hospital yesterday, YEA !!!! She's pretty tired and weak from 2 weeks of laying there and this time the cold scared her lungs even more and she may never get back to where she was before this battle, but she's alive and comfortable now and we still have her, so it's all good !!!

We want to thank everyone of you for the well wishes and PRAYERS you sent our way as I'm sure they made a difference or she would not still be with us !!!!!!!!!!!

They say that "If the good lords willin and the creek don't rise" Well he must have been willin and I think it's because of the folks like you and the prayers you sent!!!

From the bottom of my little pea pickin heart, THANK YOU ONE AND ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe and Linda:biggrin:
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Glad to hear you could get all 5' 1-1/8" of her back home where she belongs. Hospital stays can be so draining. Good luck for the future.
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