Good news......

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Oct 29, 2012
central Minnesota
As most of you know the Wife and I are blessed with two autistic children. :rolleyes:

Today the mail arrived with paperwork that is accepting the daughter into a local accounting school. She tested on Tuesday and was informed Thursday she was accepted. She was awarded a grant that will cover her costs for school. Mom and Dad will cover transportation, food, and housing. She will still have to help at home and follow the rules.:eek:

At 22 she is doing well and I am proud of her. However, she still has a long way to go. (Her emotional level is 15) Please keep her in your thoughts. BTW.....keeping her folks in your thoughts would be welcomed also. :bananen_smilies046::yin-yang::bulgy-eyes::beer::beat-up:
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Awesome news, Wayne. Congratulations to you all.

As parents of a developmentally challenged child, I know how proud you are and how much blood, sweat and tears goes into these accomplishments. You have my continued best wishes & prayers are with you all.
Wayne, I had a good feeling come over me when you told me about this. It is a wonderful thing that, she's been accepted, and I know you're very proud of her. Congratulations to all of you.
Congratulations are in order. You, your wife and daughter are in my prayers. We have a grand daughter who has spina bifida. She graduated from high school this year. While she has normal intelligence spina bifida children have their own learning difficulties. Because of being confined to wheel chair she does not have the social interaction other children have. However, she is doing fine and will be attending junior college this fall. We'll keep you in our prayers.
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