Golden Smoke Custom 'Shirt Pocket Fountain Pen'

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Aug 14, 2010
Hey folks. Haven't posted here in a bit.

Here's a pen I just finished a couple days ago - custom order for a colleague who wanted a wedding anniversary gift for her husband.


She wanted a fountain pen - something with colour (but not too floral), with clip, and about the right size for carrying in the shirt pocket, and wanted it to be postable. So, sounded like a job for one of my 'Shirt Pocket Fountain Pen' style pens (have posted a couple on my blog recently), and for some of this very, very cool resin. Nib section, barrel trim, and screw-on finial in black acrylic to frame the golden smoke, a medium two-tone steel JoWo nib, and a converter inside, and we're good to go.




Hope her husband likes it!

Thanks for looking! (comments/critiques welcome)

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Well I have to say that is one of the nicest non kit pens I have seen in a long time here. The blank material is stunning and jumps out at you. Your porportions is spot on. The photography work is some of the best I have seen here also which helps sell that pen. I am sure the owner will love it. I often wondered do people carry fountain pens in their pocets for fear of ink leak but i guess they do. Thanks for showing and lets get back here doing more things like this. Well done and that my friend belongs on the front page no question about it. The one with the pen resting on the cap is it. That my friends is how to take a photo of your pens. Look and learn. Great work.
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