Fun with the Kirby salesman

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Jan 3, 2007
Otsego, Mi, USA.
I was eating my sandwich yesterday at lunch, just finishing actually, when someone knocked on my door. It was a young man, early 20s with a fancy bottle of air freshener in his hand. He starts right off with this gift is for you for giving me a couple minutes of your time. My immediate response is "I am not buying anything, here is your gift back, don't waste any more of your time". He gets this forelorn look and says that even if I don't buy he will get paid for giving me a demo. I ask him what he is selling and he says "Kirby vacuum cleaners". I am not a stranger to these sales tactics or to the Kirby sales pitch DAMHIKT. He has another young man with him, a trainee I find out, and a young lady driving the car that is the boss and "closer". A light starts to flicker in my few remaining brain cells. I ask if they are going to show me just how good this machine works. His reply was they were going to clean my house. I say does it do just carpet or can it do smooth floors also? It is great on smooth floors was the reply. The light is at 500 watts now and I am smiling. Show me this amazing machine I say and they start grabbing boxes and heading for the front door. No, not in here, says I, follow me. I take them to my shop, yes, the one with a 1/4 inch of saw dust for a carpet. In all fairness, I do have a little door mat size rug in front of my office door to wipe off the mud when I go in to do paper work or run the laser. I built the office mainly to keep the laser out of the saw dust, and just use a push broom a couple times a day on the tile floor to keep it kinda clean. There eyes bugged when they saw what they were walking into. For the next 45 minutes I directed them with "will the hose attachment pull the saw dust from this table saw under frame? How about under this bandsaw? Does it have the power to pull these metal chips from this toolroom lathe chip bed? Does it have an attachment that will reach under the laser and while you are there under the desk as well? They did, and they picked up a lot of sawdust, lol. The two guys had a sense of humor, the young lady was not as amused. When the demo was over and she wanted to know what it would take to sell me one, I reminded her that I was very emphatic in the beginning that I was not going to buy, That I would let them demo only because I was told the young salesman was going to get some pay for this and who am I to keep him from getting some honest pay. Oh ya, If they had any more trainees that needed practice, bring them by in a few weeks and we could do it again. My money says I never see them again, lol. The shop is still a ways from being "clean", but it is closer.
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Apr 6, 2005
St. Cloud, Fla.34769
Try that on the Jehovah Witness door to door salesmen. I usually tell them I am very busy but if they will leave their name and address I will come to their house when I am free. They usually say "Have a nice day" as they turn and leave.


Aug 5, 2008
Hawley, Pennsylvania
HA.... My brother used to sell Kirby's! LOL All you have to do is look through and find numbers of offices and ask for a demo.. They will do it. They are nice machines but not for that kind of money.

If you really want one, next time pull the kid aside and ask him for a used trade in... They always have them and they sell them for their own pocket money..

On a lighter note, great job on the free cleaning crew.. LOL


Mar 9, 2006
Reynoldsburg, Ohio, USA.
Thanks for sharing. My wife and I got a good laugh. :)

We used to have an apartment with a mysterious stain - she had all of the stain remover salespeople try their products on it. Somehow they couldn't get the stain out, so no sales for them. Only replacing the carpet with a hardwood floor took care of that spot.

You brought back some fun memories. A picture popped into my head - could you laser a picture of a Kirby salesman with a line through him? (Like the WWII planes with the planes they shot down.)


Dec 3, 2009
Brownsburg, IN
That is funny. I have had the Kirby sales people at my door more then a few times. The last time the claimed to be a new company in town and were willing to shampoo my carpet. I was on my way out the door and told them I might be interested but I was leaving. They asked what time they could come back, so I gave them a time when I really didn't thinkg I would be home. Well I got home early that day and sure enough they came back. It wasn't until then that I realized they were selling Kirbys. So I informed them then before the dragged all the pieces out of the car that there was no way I would buy one. I am unemployed and could not afford one even if I wanted one. They told me that was fine and they had offered to shampoo my carpet and the would still honor that. So they came in vacuumed the carpet then hooked up the shampoo attachment and cleaned all the carpet on the first level of my home. They never once tried to get me to buy. The actually told me how I could probably get some one to do a demo every couple of months then I wouldn't need to buy one anyway. They were very nice and a free cleaning is always a bonus.



Dec 2, 2007
Gardendale, AL, USA.
Hilarious. :RockOn:



Mar 4, 2010
The Colony TX
My sister's boyfriend sometime ago tried selling Kirby. He tried to convince me you could use it to cool the house down.


Product Reviews Manager
Aug 19, 2007
Fairfield, CT, USA.
My mother bought one of the Kirbys back about 40 years ago. She also bought the lifetime warranty for it for an extra $2. She has had it completely rebuilt 4 times and it was well worth what she paid for it.


Jul 4, 2007
TX, NM or on the road
I don't see anything funny about it, there were 3 people that were trying to make an honest living. How would any of you like it if someone came into where you worked and pulled a stunt like that? You would be on here whining and crying about it. The OP started a thread just a few days ago about some penturner trying to get into "his" store, no real difference there than what happened here.


Dec 2, 2009
I don't see anything funny about it, there were 3 people that were trying to make an honest living. How would any of you like it if someone came into where you worked and pulled a stunt like that? You would be on here whining and crying about it. The OP started a thread just a few days ago about some penturner trying to get into "his" store, no real difference there than what happened here.


1. Gary was upfront and said he wasn't going to buy anything. It was the salesperson's insistence that led to the demo.

2. The salesman got paid for doing the demo, wouldn't have been paid if the salesman(woman) didn't. Hence, Gary helped them 'make an honest living.'

3. There was a trainee present. This was good training.


IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
No difference? In the former situation an assistant manager took it upon herself to question and attempt to cancel a long standing business relationship between a supplier and her boss, without first consulting her boss. In the 2nd situation some sales people were told up front that there was not going to be any sale. Then knowing that they were not going to make a sale they asked to be allowed in to demo the product. They claimed that they would still be paid for demonstrating the product. They could have changed their minds and walked away from the demo upon being led into the shop. Other than involving the same OP, how are they similar?
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Aug 24, 2009
St Inigoes, MD
I don't see anything funny about it, there were 3 people that were trying to make an honest living. How would any of you like it if someone came into where you worked and pulled a stunt like that? You would be on here whining and crying about it. The OP started a thread just a few days ago about some penturner trying to get into "his" store, no real difference there than what happened here.
Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Gary clearly stated he wasnt going to buy anything period,first words after hello I am sure. Second the guy agreed not to sell the item but to demonstrate it so he could get paid. Now how is this in any way someones fault other than the sellers? Did they demostrate Yes. did they get paid, we will assume so. Did they get valuable customer training that could only be provided in this situatiion? Most certainly did. Where is the not funny part? Kudos Gary a man after my own heart!!


Jan 3, 2007
Otsego, Mi, USA.
I don't see anything funny about it, there were 3 people that were trying to make an honest living. How would any of you like it if someone came into where you worked and pulled a stunt like that? You would be on here whining and crying about it. The OP started a thread just a few days ago about some penturner trying to get into "his" store, no real difference there than what happened here.

Beg to differ with ya Dogcatcher (I usually refer to the people here by their names, but your bio. is a bit bare) , but we are talking apples to oranges here. My "rant" was that another penturner had the assistant convinced a Jr. Gent, rollerball was the same as a Jr. Statesman fountain with 18k gold nib. and she was believing him with out doing any research. As for the Kirby saleman, I was very emphatic at the git-go that I was not buying, period. When the young man said he would still get some pay for showing anyway, I agreed. When we walked into the shop and he saw the mess I was taking them to, he laughed. I did give him the opportunity to back out, but he said it would be good training for the trainee.
Now, other than both posts being started by me, how are they the same thing??


Apr 23, 2007
Show Low, Arizona
Try that on the Jehovah Witness door to door salesmen. I usually tell them I am very busy but if they will leave their name and address I will come to their house when I am free. They usually say "Have a nice day" as they turn and leave.

That's got to be the best thing I have ever heard of. Sadly, we live in the country and never get nuisance visits.. Wait...did that come out right, it almost sounds like I miss the visits!:)
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