Full pen dragon decal prototype

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Carl Fisher

Staff member
Jun 7, 2011
Cape Coral, FL
So I'm calling this one a prototype as I learned a few lessons along the way and will correct them on the next attempt.

Clear decals aren't so clear on dark wood. Even fully dry, there is a bit if a silver tint where it's over the dark bands of the pen.

Large decals with a full pen wrap are very delicate and difficult to keep flat and in place. The head and the tip of the wings wrap and meet at the base of the clip. Working the air out of one side skews the far side if you aren't paying attention.

I won't put the contrast band in the middle section next time which will allow me to run the decal down to the base of the cap and create a cleaner joint with the body.

Lastly photographing a wrap like this just doesn't do justice to the image. I'm guessing these will probably have a bigger impact in person. I plan to keep this one as a personal daily writer anyway, so it was a good learning experience.


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Thanks! Notice I didn't put any extreme close ups :wink:

Definitely some details to work on with the next one as well as a bit of a design change to the cap.
There is a bit of dicoloration in the black bands only/Maybe use a somewhat lighter shade of pale/white or even Holly. Looks GEAT to me from here! Good job..........Jan
Very nice. I agree about the center band piece, fact if possible I like to see it without any center band at all. I don't know if you can do that with thode kits.
Very nice. I agree about the center band piece, fact if possible I like to see it without any center band at all. I don't know if you can do that with thode kits.

I think I can but I also have the last of my kitless taps coming so I'm going to go that route with it I think.

If not I do believe I can delete the band on this kit.
Carl, looks very good...I've been playing with decals for a few weeks and find it very difficult on the large ones. Where are you getting the decal paper?
Just Testors brand. Picked up from one hobby store or another, I don't recall specifically which one.

Keeping it from folding on itself was the hardest part with a decal this size. I need to find a way to lay it down around the pen without folding so much.
On the large ones, I transfer it(good side against the plastic)to a pen bag, then roll that onto the blank. Maybe this will help.

Not a bad idea. I was trying to figure out how to use some sort of transfer medium but never thought of what I already throw away dozens of. Awesome!
Carl, I think you've got a great prototype there. From what I can see from the pictures, the biggest suggestion I would make would be to drop the dark band at the base of the cap, but then you already mentioned that. It distracts from the image and really makes the dragon look broken up. If it were only the center band (or a kitless no-band) I think it would look more complete and less two parts put together.

I understand the challenges of getting the decal on right and bubble free as well, I used to make some large scale models that had some large decals to place on them, and even on a flat surface the challenge increases in proportion with the size. I'm guessing it quadruples when you add a curved surface like a pen.
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