Friday setup for MPG

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Jul 1, 2004
Peoria, IL, USA.
I got an email from my friend that got the hall for us. He wants to meet me some time after 11:00am Friday morning. So if you are already in town, I should be opening the doors around 11:30. If you still want to come at 12:00 to setup, that's fine. I just would like to be in pretty good shape by 2:00. It seems I will be pretty busy setting up my vendor table. I am bringing 37 different kinds of blanks, and probably an average of two dozen of each of those. That's not counting several bulk bundles I have made up with special pricing. I'm afraid to count, but there might be over 700 blanks in the tubs. Be safe on your travels, see you day after tomorrow. I'll repeat my favorite shopping tip, BRING CASH! LOL1
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