Free turning lessons??

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Since there are many new members on IAP, you may not realize ExoticBlanks offers free lessons!!

I have made nearly 100 videos. All are on YouTube, under Ed Brown or ExoticBlanks short vids. There is another Ed Brown (whodathunk???) who specializes in firearms, so to avoid confusion the ExoticBlanks site is where I am now posting. If anyone is so inclined, please subscribe. There are things you can do on YouTube only if you have over 1000 subscribers, which I had as Ed Brown, but ExoticBlanks short vids needs to grow.

So, here is the link to the index on ExoticBlanks;
It also is not complete, but several of the vids (including the one last night on "Heatwave") show the facing process.
Last night's video is here:

Hope that helps
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When I started posting those vids on "Ed Brown", I never dreamed of 100 of them!!!!! I believe that was about 15 years ago!
I expect all future vids will be on the Exotics channel.
When i first started turning, I watched a LOT of Ed's videos while i was travelling. You can tell from my work that i forgot most of what i saw by the time i got back home on Sunday nights--but the little i retained was invaluable!! 300-400 pens later--it's time to revisit. Thanks for the reminder!!
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