First Zen

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Jul 26, 2008
Anaheim, CA
Man, it's tougher to turn a long tube than I expected. :wink:

CSUSA Zen in black titanium, with a homebrew PR blank. I really like the Zen pen though. I have a batch to finish for a client, but when those are done, I'm going to try going finial-less. This kit begs for me to toss the finial!

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Shines like a new penny. How do you like the Zen's, I did a group of these for my daughters teachers last year and they just loved them as gifts.
I love 'em. The weight and diameter are perfect for my hand. The hardware plating appears to be of good quality too.
I recently turned my first Zen as well, like the style and the 'self adhesive' cap. The magnet wasn't glued in well, and came loose. I glued it back in with some medium CA and thought all was well. Set it aside for a day, took the cap off and see that the CA fumes discolored the plating. Didn't readily wipe off, going to try some solvent and see if that will cut it....

You have that knack of photographing your work in a way that really makes it pop out at you. I like the homebrew balnk and silver plating. Great contrast.
I too love the zens...I just wish they'd stock them better! That's a great looking homebrew, and a nice match to the kit as well. I RARELY say this, Don, but that's a pen that I would make myself. Awesome.
Awesome looking blank you made Don. The pen is just a hair proud of the nib and if you weren't so incredible with your photo skills, we'd never know! It blends into the screen so darn good, and not a speck of dust anywhere.
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