First Pendant

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Jul 1, 2014
Had only a short amount of time to head into the shop today and made something I haven't made yet, but have been wanting to try doing. Made my first pendant. Used a block of wood on my bottle stopper mandrel to hold it, with some double sided tape to secure it. After turning it, I re-secured it offset to drill the hole and then turn a little bit around the hole.

Wood is Cherry Burl. Sanded to 400grit, rubbed out with 0000 steel wool, buffed with carnauba wax. String is some sort of lacing my wife had in her craft stuff and we're planning to pick up some better lacing this week when we're in town - I plan to make more of these soon. I'll work on getting better pictures when I make some more, hopefully in the next few days. Am thinking I might have to start saving up for a Joyner Off-Center Jig from Ruth Niles...


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Jul 1, 2014
Keep enough for diapers........those boxes are great. lol

Great looking pendant ..... hope that the wife likes it.

Thanks, Wayne! Katy LOVES it - and I've got a couple more pieces she's picked out for pendants for herself, then I'll start making some for others.

Yeah, we've been setting aside money for diapers so we can stock up on them over the next couple months, lol! Won't be cheap having two in diapers at the same time! Looks like another trip to Costco and a cart full of diapers is in my future for next month, after I pay the tax man. :eek:

BTW, I hope you enjoyed digging through that box you got from me. I'll be looking forward to seeing a few pens from you from some of those pieces - and especially looking forward to seeing some of that end up in the hands of the kids!

Matthew, Great job on your first Pendant! Looks like you have done many!

You will like the Joyner Jig from Ruth. (USA made too!)

Thank you! I'm just surprised that I made it through my first one without it flying off the lathe! :eek: After the carpet tape started sliding around, I switched to some heady duty double sided tape that takes some coercion to get loose!
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Local Chapter Leader
Jan 2, 2008
Indianapolis, In.
Nice job on your first one. Thanks for posting it. I haven't made one in 6 or 7 years. Still have the stuff and, have gained a few great grand daughters since then. I'll have to take time to make some.
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